  • 期刊


A Study of Work Values, Professional Commitment, Turnover Intention and Related Factors among Clinical Nurses


背景 臨床護理人員的高離職率一直是全球性問題,而工作價值觀與離職傾向之相關性研究卻相當不足。 目的 本研究目的在探討臨床護理人員工作價值觀、專業承諾與離職傾向之相關性。 方法 為描述性相關性之研究設計,採橫斷性調查法,以台灣四所區域級教學醫院,任職半年以上之護理人員為研究對象,採方便取樣方式(Convenience Sampling),於民國九十七年二月一日至三月十日進行資料收集。 結果 共得289份有效問卷,有效回收率96.3%。研究結果:(1)年齡、教育程度、工作年資、工作職務、每月薪資愈高、已婚、子女數為兩個以上、信仰佛教,則工作價值觀及專業承諾愈高,離職傾向愈低。(2)整體工作價值觀愈高則專業承諾愈高,離職傾向愈低。(3)影響離職傾向重要預測因子包括:專業承諾、機構屬性、信仰佛教、每月薪資共四個變項,可解釋離職傾向52.2%的變異量。 結論/實務應用 本研究顯示具有高工作價值觀及專業承諾之護理人員離職率較低,建議在臨床護理及學校教育上加強利他主義及專業承諾之傳遞及養成。此外,宗教信仰和機構屬性對離職傾向之影響值得未來進一步探討。


Background: The high rate of turnover in nursing positions is a global problem. There have been few studies done addressing the relationship between work values and nurse turnover intention. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between work values, professional commitment and turnover intention among clinical nurses. Method: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between February 1st to March 10th, 2008 on a convenience sample of nurses, all of whom had at least a half year of work experience at one of four teaching hospitals in Taiwan. Results: A total of 289 valid responses were received, with a response rate of 96.3%. Major findings included: (1) Nurses who were older, had more years of school, had worked more years, held specific job duties, earned a higher salary, held Buddhist beliefs, or were married with two or more children presented higher work values and professional commitment and lower turnover intention; (2) As a group, total work values and professional commitment scores corresponded negatively with turnover intention scores; (3) Significant factors affecting turnover intent in clinical nurses included professional commitment, institution characteristics, Buddhist beliefs and salary. These four variables accounted for 52.2% of the variation in turnover intention. Conclusions/Implications for practice: This study indicated that nurses with higher work values and professional commitment tend to exhibit less turnover intention. It is highly recommended to develop strategies to bolster the teaching of altruistic values and professional commitment in nursing education in order to reduce turnover intent. Also, further studies on the influence of religious beliefs and organizational attributes on nurse turnover intentions are also suggested.


