  • 期刊


Dysmenorrhea: A Study of Affected Factors and Approaches to Relief among Female Students at a College in Southern Taiwan


背景 痛經是一般婦科門診中最常見的問題之一,除了因為痛經引發身體不適之外,亦造成巨大的時間與經濟損失。目的 針對影響婦女生理期痛經的因素進行分析,並了解女性在採用坊間各種疏緩痛經的方式之後,其自我感覺痛經之舒緩情形,以作為避免痛經困擾及痛經舒緩,擁有較為安適的生理期的參考。方法 研究對象為台灣南部地區某專科學校586位女性學生,參考相關文獻及訪談相關專家發展研究問卷。問卷資料以t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe事後檢定等進行分析。結果 體質屬性不同會影響痛經感受頻率;生活習慣特性的不同對痛經感受程度有顯著差異;使用「生化湯」、「四物豬血湯」、「當歸飲」、「薑棗紅糖茶」或「注射止痛劑」對於痛經舒緩感覺顯著。結論/實務應用 建議有痛經症狀者應積極尋求個人壓力的紓解,以降低痛經發生的頻率;婦女養成正常且充足睡眠的習慣以降低痛經之感受程度;亦應避免或減少刺激性食物的攝取,以降低對痛經症狀發生時之疼痛感受程度;另痛經患者必須先在醫師指導下瞭解自身體質屬性,再配合生活習慣的調整選擇合適的痛經舒緩方法;建議醫院門診及學校單位應進行系統性的痛經舒緩護理指導,以協助增加痛經者對於減少痛經發生頻率及痛經症狀舒緩的知識,並進而自我照護,使痛經的發生及症狀獲得改善。


Background: Dysmenorrhea is a major problem in the general gynecology clinic. It causes discomfort among healthcare staffs and significant losses in terms of time and finances. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the affected factors of dysmenorrhea and evaluate the self-perceived efficacy of relief methods. Methods: A cross-sectional research design was used to collect data. Participants included 586 female students enrolled at a college in southern Taiwan. Data was analyzed using a t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe test. Results: Traditional Chinese medicine pattern identifications related significantly to dysmenorrhea frequency perception. Lifestyle characteristics related significantly to dysmenorrhea level perception. Using shenghua decoction, siwu and pig blood decoction, Angelica drink, ginger, ziziphus jujube, brown sugar tea, and analgesics all related significantly to dysmenorrhea relief efficacy. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Strategies found to help relieve dysmenorrhea level perception include increasing the duration and regularity of sleep and avoiding the consumption of pungent foods. Seeking and adhering to physician recommendations can also increase dysmenorrhea self-care efficacy. Dysmenorrhea-relief courses should be improved in hospitals and schools to assist women to self-manage dysmenorrhea more effectively.


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