  • 期刊


Perceiving Gender or Profession: The Practical Experience of Male Nursing Students in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Ward


背景 社會大眾的性別刻板印象對護理常有其重大影響,尤其對於男護生於婦產科病房的實習。目的 探討男護生於婦產科病房實習之經驗。方法 採質性研究中的現象學研究法,共訪談曾於婦產科病房實習之中台灣某護理專科學校10位男護生。將所有的個別訪談內容逐字轉寫成行為過程紀錄,並以Colaizzi的內容分析法進行資料的分析與歸納。結果 依據男護生在婦產科病房之實習經驗,其研究結果包括:失衡的自我角色認同;被置放的性別框架-性別刻板印象;男醫師與男護生的差異;學習適當的溝通技巧;同理女性生產的歷程;獲得正向回饋的來源;解開性別的枷鎖,領悟護理的功能及期望給予學習機會。結論/實務應用 婦產科病房的實習對於男護生不但蘊含了重要的學習意義且有其安排實習之必要性存在。無論是學校或是實習機構,都應了解性別平等教育於護理專業的重要性,期許能給予男護生平等的學習機會,並在男護生於婦產科實習及進入護理臨床實務工作時,予以適當之協助。


Background: The impact of general gender stereotypes on nursing is severe and influential, especially with regard to male nursing students working in obstetrics and gynecology wards. Purpose: This study examined the experience of male nursing students in obstetrics and gynecology wards. Methods: We used a phenomenological qualitative research approach and a sample of 10 male nursing students currently studying at a nursing college in central Taiwan. All participants had obstetrics and gynecology ward experience. Individual interviews were transcribed into the procedural record. Colaizzi content analysis analyzed and categorized research data. Results: Based on participants practical experiences in the obstetrics and gynecology ward, the main stages of participants professional development through their internship experience included: (1) Unbalanced self-role recognition; (2) being defined by the gender framework (gender stereotypes); (3) the difference between male doctor and male nurse; (4) learning appropriate communication techniques; (5) mutual and empathetic understanding of the female psychology during childbirth; (6) gaining sources for positive feedback; (7) releasing the shackles of gender and gaining full insight into and comprehension of nursing functions; and (8) given the opportunity to learn. Conclusions: Through ongoing examination and learning, participant internships in the obstetrics and gynecology wards were significant and essential learning experiences that validated their necessity. Nursing schools and internship institutions alike must realize the importance of gender-equality education to the nursing profession. Medical institutions are encouraged to offer equal learning opportunities to male and female nursing students and provide targeted assistance to males to help them master clinical nursing care practices in the obstetrics and gynecology department.


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