  • 期刊


Using Logotherapy to Relieve Death Anxiety in a Patient with Recurrent Cancer: A Nursing Experience




We used logotherapy concepts to manage the mental impact of recurrent cancer on a patient. The patient had received radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma approximately one year prior to the March 9th - April 21st, 2011 nursing care period. The authors interacted with the patient during the care period via personal observation and telephone interview. Patient data was also collected from medical staff. Integral nursing assessment disclosed that the patient faced several major nursing issues, including death anxiety, pain, and sleep disturbance. This report describes how logotherapy was utilized to enable the patient better understand his condition and ultimately allow him to identify and pursue renewed meaning and happiness in life. Logotherapy helped alleviate the death anxiety caused by recurrent cancer and helped the patient self-reconfirm the meaning of life.


cancer recurrence logotherapy death anxiety


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