  • 期刊


Exploration of Nursing Art and Aesthetic Experiences: Cross-disciplinary Links and Dialogues




跨學門 對話 護理藝術 美感經驗


Interdisciplinary understanding is crucial for readers today. This article integrates the ideas of four care-aesthetics-column writers in order to illustrate and discuss nursing art and aesthetic care experiences in a cross-disciplinary conversation. This article reflects critically on the art, culture, and nature of nursing in the five themes of: 1) the shape of nursing knowledge, ”science” or ”art”?; 2) the caring arts: passively regulative or consciously creative labor?; 3) busy hospital workers: a landscape of persons and objects or the creators of the scenery?; 4) nursing skills, arts, and the Tao; and 5) art liberation: is the nursing profession in need of a revolution or fundamental reform? This article utilizes diverse and occasionally contradictory points of view together with practical examples in order to encourage readers to interlink their disparate professional nursing skills and draw aesthetic knowledge from multiple sources and experiences.


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蔡錚雲(2013).照護知識的藝術性格.護理雜誌,60(4), 5- 8。doi:10.6224/JN.60.4.5 [Tsai, C. Y. (2013). The aesthetic character of caring knowledge. The Journal of Nursing, 60(4), 5- 8.]
陳泓易(2013). 實像與心理空間的迴想.護理雜誌, 60(4),21- 25。doi:10.6224/JN.60.4.21 [Chen, H. Y. (2013). Reflections on physical spaces and mental spaces. The Journal of Nursing, 60(4), 21- 25.]
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