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HIV/AIDS: An Exploration of the Knowledge, Attitude, Infection Risk Perceptions, and Willingness to Care of Nurses


背景 全球愛滋病人數持續增加,護理人員愛滋知識、態度及對感染者照顧意願會直接影響照顧品質。目的 瞭解護理人員愛滋病知識、態度行為趨向、自覺感染風險及照顧感染者意向及其相關性。方法 為描述性相關性研究,以愛滋病知識、態度行為趨向、風險量表及照顧意向量表,針對2010年參與愛滋病防治基金會所舉辦愛滋系列性課程的219位護理人員進行問卷調查。結果 愛滋病知識得分率為79.6%,得分最高為傳染途徑,最低為防護措施。知識得分越高者,態度與行為趨向越正向(p < .001)、自覺被感染愛滋病的風險越低(p < .001)、越願意照顧感染者(p = .001)。在職期間曾參與愛滋教育訓練者,照顧意願高於未參與教育訓練者(p = .046)。結論/實務應用 建議衛生主管機關及醫院機構,應加強在職期間的愛滋病防護措施及職業性暴露後預防性投藥的教育訓練,以提升護理人員的正向態度及照顧意願。


Background: The number of people infected with HIV/AIDS continues to increase across the world. The awareness of HIV/AIDS and attitudes toward this disease among nurses and their willingness to care for those infected directly impacts upon the quality of HIV/AIDS-patient care. Purpose: This study explores the knowledge, attitudes, infection-risk perceptions, and willingness to care for HIV/AIDS patients among nurses and the correlations among these variables. Methods: This study used a descriptive, correlational design. Scales on HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, perceived risk of infection, and willingness to care were used to collect data from 219 nurses who attended the course series on HIV/AIDS held by the Nurses AIDS Prevention Foundation in 2010. Results: The mean score for HIV/AIDS knowledge was 79.6%, with knowledge related to disease transmission pathways earning the highest score and knowledge related to HIV/AIDS protective measures earning the lowest. Participating nurses with higher knowledge scores held a more positive attitude toward HIV/AIDS (p < .001), a lower perceived risk of HIV/AIDS infection (p < .001), and a higher willingness to care for HIV/AIDS-positive patients (p = .001). In addition, those participants who had received in-service HIV/AIDS education training earned higher willingness-to-care scores (p =.046). Conclusions/Implications for Practice: The results of the present study underscore the importance of HIV/AIDS education and may be referenced by health authorities and hospitals for promoting HIV/AIDS education. Further, the results suggest that nurses with a greater knowledge of HIV/AIDS protection and of prophylaxis after occupational exposure are more willing to care for HIV/AIDS patients.


HIV AIDS willingness to care toward AIDS


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