  • 期刊


Physiological Relevance and Nursing Care Applications of Moxibustion as Applied to the Sanyinjiao Acupoint on Females


「灸」是以特製艾絨或其他藥物,在體表穴位上點火燃燒,具有溫經散寒及運通氣血的功效,是中醫常用的保健及治療方法,亦被許多國家列為重要的輔助及替代療法。三陰交穴位施灸為中醫常用於治療女性健康問題及養生保健的方法之一,三陰交穴位施灸的生理作用包括:提升穴位體表溫度、改善微循環、調節自主神經系統的平衡與經由經絡調節肝經、脾經及腎經所屬臟腑等。由於涉及在體表使用高溫,因此須嚴守施灸的原則,方能安全地完成療程並達成功效。本文除介紹灸法的作用及功效,施灸對三陰交穴位的生理作用外,並闡述施灸的過程、時間、距離 與施灸的安全性等施灸要點,可提供臨床護理應用、中醫護理教育課程與相關研究之參考。


三陰交穴位 中醫 護理應用


Moxibustion is a thermal therapy procedure that applies burning material to the surface of specific acupoints, which warms the meridians and dispels cold. This procedure is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine care and treatment. It is also an important complementary and replacement therapy in many countries. Moxibustion on the Sanyinjiao acupoint of females is one of the main methods used to treat and care for women's health problems. The physiological effects of moxibustion on the Sanyinjiao acupoint include heightening the skin surface temperature to improve circulation and adjusting the balance of the autonomic nervous system via the meridians in order to regulate the affiliated organs (liver, spleen, and kidney). Moxibustion carries health risks, including the possibility of burns. Therefore, this therapy must follow the principles of moxibustion in order to safely complete the course and achieve the intended efficacy. In nursing-care applications, we must consider the process, time, distances, and safety of moxibustion. In exploring this theme, we hope the present paper helps readers better apply moxibustion in nursing-care applications and in the nursing education curriculum.


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