  • 期刊


The Development of an Intelligent Long-Term Care Services System That Integrates Innovative Information and Communication Technologies




Rapid progress in information and communication technologies and the increasing popularity of healthcare-related applications has increased interest in the topic of intelligent medical care. This topic emphasizes the use of information and communication technologies to collect and analyze a variety of data in order to provide physicians and other healthcare professionals with clinical decision support. At present, so-called smart hospitals are the focal point of most intelligent-systems development activity, with little attention currently being focused on long-term care needs. The present article discusses the application of intelligent systems in the field of long-term care, especially in community and home-based models of care. System-implementation components such as the data entry interface components of mobile devices, the data transmission and synchronization components between the mobile device and file server, the data presentation, and the statistics analysis components are also introduced. These components have been used to develop long-term care service-related applications, including home health nursing, home-care services, meals on wheels, and assistive devices rental. We believe that the findings will be useful for the promotion of innovative long-term care services as well as the improvement of healthcare quality and efficiency.


內政統計處(2017,3月11日).106 年第10 週內政統計通報(我國老年人口數首次超過幼年人口數).取自http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/news_content.aspx?sn=11735 [Department of Statistics, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan, ROC. (2017, March 11). MOI statistics: Bulletin for the 10th week of 2017 (Taiwan's elderly population outstrips the youth population for the first time). Retrieved from http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/news_content.aspx?sn=11735]
行政院(2016).長期照顧十年計畫2.0(106~115 年核定本).取自http://www.ey.gov.tw/DL.ashx?u=%2FUpload%2FRelFile%2F3499%2F745134%2F1051219長照2.0核定本.pdf [Executive Yuan, Taiwan, ROC. (2016). 2017 to 2026 ten years plan of long-term care 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.ey.gov.tw/DL.ashx?u=%2FUpload%2FRelFile%2F3499%2F745134%2F1051219長照2.0核定本.pdf]
