  • 期刊


A Long Stream: The Historical Influence of Peking Union Medical College on the Development of Modern Nursing Education in Taiwan


臺灣現代護理的發展與1949年隨國民政府遷臺的北京協和醫學院體系及美援有密切的關係。當時在中國進行醫療宣教而建立名為「協和」(Union)的醫學院,在之後洛克菲勒基金會(Rockefeller Foundation)重建而成當時中國首屈一指的北京協和醫學院。後因中國大陸政治環境的改變,隨政府遷臺的北京協和醫學院師生將重要的醫護教育經驗帶到臺灣,老協和醫學院的師生成為戰後臺灣推動現代醫護教育的關鍵領航人,為臺灣現代護理教育制度奠立了堅實的基礎。本文即以奠立臺灣現代護理教育根基、善用美援及國際援助改善護理教育、提昇臺灣護理國際能見度與影響力,三個重要的面向來彰顯協和人引領臺灣護理專業教育發展的重要貢獻。2017年時逢北京協和醫學院創立百周年之際,筆者呼籲兩岸菁英發揚追求卓越、創新、嚴謹、求真、務實的協和精神,共同攜手精進,成為亞洲醫學及人文教育的領航者。


The faculty of Peiping Union Medical College (PUMC) formatively influenced the development of modern nursing in Taiwan. PUMC, which retreated with the national government to Taiwan from Mainland China in 1949, was initially established earlier in that century by enthusiastic medical missionaries and later reformed by the Rockefeller Foundation. After relocating to Taiwan, PUMC teachers and graduates have provided critical leadership in disseminating modern nursing education in Taiwan and in integrating public health and clinical services to establish a solid foundation for Taiwanese nursing education. To highlight the significant contributions of PUMC alumni in Taiwan, this article explores three dimensions as follows: 1) Establishing the foundation of modern nursing education in Taiwan; 2) Channeling aids from the United States and the international communities to improve nursing education; and 3) Raising the international profile and influence of the Taiwan nursing society. In celebration of the centennial anniversary of PUMC, we encourage in the spirit of PUMC congeniality greater Cross-Strait collaboration among elite professionals in order to further advance PUMC leadership in Asian medical education and cultural enlightenment.


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