

Whereas a space X can be embedded in a compact space if and only if it is Tychonoff, every space X can be embedded in an H-closed space (a generalization of compact space). In this paper, we further generalize, the concept of H-closedness into 9H-closedness and have shown that every connected space is either a 9H-closed space or can be embedded in a 9H-closed space. Also, in a locally connected regular space the concept of 9H-closedness is equivalent to the concepts of J-ness and strong J-ness due to E. Michael [7] and θJ-ness due to C.K. Basu et. al [1]. Several characterizations and properties of 9H-closed spaces with respect to subspaces, products and functional preservations (along with various examples) are given.


H-closed H-set θ-closed θ-continuity θ-connected θ-perfect almost regular Urysohn θ-rigid


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