  • 期刊


Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis with the Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine: A Case Report


這位58歲女性病患,於95年時因爲疲勞,肌肉無力,雙眼皮下垂,複視,吞嚥困難等症狀而到嘉義基督教醫院神經科就診,電腦斷層檢查發現爲胸線瘤,確診爲重症肌無力。95/08於台大醫院手術切除胸腺瘤,並且接受放射線治療28次。96/11因全身的手足腰膝無力,甚至無法站立及行走等症狀來嘉義基督教醫院中醫部尋求治療。 重症肌無力在西醫爲慢性自體免疫疾病,重症肌無力的特點是肌肉無力,此病常常伴隨胸腺腫瘤、甲狀腺毒症、類風濕性關節炎、紅斑性狼瘡。中醫將重症肌無力歸入“瞼廢”、“視歧”及“痿證”的範疇。本病例基本上的病機,是脾虛氣陷,肝腎陰虛火旺爲本;脾虛濕滯中焦,經脈氣血瘀滯爲標。患者在西醫治療下,服用乙醯膽鹼分解酶抑制劑的療效不佳,且病情出現全身肌肉明顯軟弱無力,配合使用中醫治療,以柴葛解肌湯解肌清熱,合六味地黃丸滋補肝腎,加活血通絡中藥,發現明顯使其全身無力獲得改善,大大提高重症肌無力患者的生活品質。


This 58 year-old female patient suffered from fatigue, muscular weakness, diplopia, ptosis and swallowing difficulty since 2006. Then she visited the doctor of neurological department, and thymoma was found in the CT scan. Then she received surgical operation and 28 times of radiation therapy at NTUH. Due to the general malaise, limb weakness, diplopia, disability of long standing, she visited our Chinese medicine department and asked for further treatment on November in 2007. Myasthenia gravis is a chronic acquired autoimmune disease, and its character is the fluctuating weakness of voluntary muscles. Sometimes it is associated with thymic tumor, thyrotoxicosis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus. According Chinese medical theories, this chronic myasthenia gravis is belonging to the area of ptosis, diplopia, muscle weakness and atrophy. Basically, the pathomechanisms of the present case are the spleen qi vacuity and fall, effulgent yin vacuity fire of the liver and kidney, as well as the spleen vacuity and damp stagnation in the middle burner, the qi and blood stasis in the channels. The case under received Western medical treatment, the anticholinesterase drugs do not significantly improve the symptom of muscle weakness for myasthenia gravis, but integrated treatment of Chinese medicine with chai-ge jie-ji tan resolved muscle and cleared heat, liu-wei di-huang wan enriched yin and supplemented the liver and kidney, and adding medicinal of blood quickening and freeing network vessel. The treatment of Chinese medicine provide symptomatic benefit and highly increase the quality of life.
