  • 期刊

Evaluation: Themes and Perspectives



本文分析自60年代發展至今有關教育計劃的二十一個考評模式,期望藉由闡明發展於不同時期各種考評模式的內涵與理念,部析考評的重要觀點(perspectives)。更期望藉由條理剖析考評觀點的歷史發展趨勢與脈絡,設想未來考評教點發展的新方向。為了條理分析考評觀點的歷史發展趨勢與脈絡,本研究先將二十一個考評模式歸類於三個按時間次序編列的類型:(1)有效性(effectiveness),(2)可行性(feasibility)及(3)有價值意義(value,i.e., meaning)。屬於最早期「有效性類型」的考評模式都是意圖提供考評訊息以決定創新的教育計劃執行得是否有效率。屬於中期的「可行性類型」的考評模式假設教育計劃是社會行動計劃,本質上,具有政治取向且有不同意見與衝突存在,這些考評模式主張透過考評的過程,提供訊息,促使不同意見者或衝突者論證,達成共識,則確能促使社會行動計劃付之實現。屬於後期「有價值意義類型」的考評模式主張考評一個特殊的社會架構中進行的教育計劃,要考評該計劃對參與計劃者是否具有價值或意義。本文採用的研究方法為「後設考評」(meta - evaluation)。所謂「後設考評」的概念是為考評或評價考評的方式(an evaluation of evaluation或是an appraisal of evaluation)。本文應用「後設考評」的方法,考評發展於不同時期考評模式的觀點,先設考評的準則(criteria),本文所釐清及鑑定的準則為三個考評主題(Themes)。這三個主題(Themes)為:(1)基本價值考量(underlying value considerations),(2)考評策略(包括計劃重點和政治議題)(evaluation strategies, i.e., program focus and political issues),及(3)考評技術(考評訊息的可信度)(Techniques, i.e., credibility of evaluation reports to the audiences)。本文即以此三個主題為準則,展示不同時期考評模式所蘊涵的重要觀點。




This is an analytical study portraying the perspectives of the education-related evaluation models which arose from the 1960's to the 1980's. To drive the historical perspectives, it is necessary to clearly clarify the themes that underlie the evaluation models, and grasp the educational ideas. This study, therefore, is primarily designed to clarify evaluation themes, and, based on them, present historical perspectives from a series of well-developed evaluation models. Furthermore, the representations of the past evaluation perspectives or ideas are expected to help envisioning future evaluation studies.The methodology that this study proposes is a method of meta-evaluation-i. e., an evaluation of the evaluation and/or an appraisal of evaluation. The meta-evaluation that this study clarifies is the quality of evaluation in terms of concentrating on assessing the underlying value considerations, evaluation strategies (program focus and political issues), and techniques (credibility of evaluation reports to the audiences). Value considerations, evaluation strategies, and credibility are thus used here as the themes to present the perspectives of evaluation models.The meta-evaluation that presents the historical perspectives will conceptualize the evaluation models into three chronological categories: (1) effectiveness, (2) feasibility, and (3) value (meaning). The models placed in the first category (effectiveness-focused) that concerns the effectiveness of evaluations were intended to provide information to determine whether or not an innovative program is effective when implemented in a school setting. The feasibility-focused models set out to evaluate whether or not a social action program was feasible whiie the models presumed that social action programs were essentially political and different opinions and conflicts. Finally, the value-focused models are to evaluate whether or not a local educational program is worthwhile when implemented in a particular educational setting, for example, a classroom and/or school.Based on each of the themes that I have clarified, this study will present the perspectives throughout the evaluation models in chronological bases-effectiveness, feasebility and value (meaning).


