  • 期刊


The Study of the Feminization of Agricultural Production Labor Force






The significant out-migration of agricultural laborers has rapidly resulted from rapid economic development because of the decreased importance of agricultural production in the total economy of Taiwan. Some studies have concluded that agricultural labor migration has selectively resulted in the feminization of the agricultural labor force. Others drawn controversial conclusions by using different data sets and measuring different dimensions of feminization. Therefore, this paper uses longitudinal secondary data at both the macro and the micro levels to highlight any possible trend in the feminization of the agricultural labor force in Taiwan.At the macro-level, the proportion of women employed in the labor force for the agricultural industry was about constant at 30% over the past three decades. The proportion of non-agricultural industry during this time period was consistently increasing from 27% to 40%. At the micro-level, the percentage of women in the farm labor force was nearly 23%, however part-time workers were comprised of 67% women. If both full-and part-time were taken into account, the average percentage of women in the farm labor force was approaching 48%.In addition, women's input varied by farm type. The average proportions for women's input by farm type were more than 43% between vegetable and fruit farms in the past decade, however for rice, swine, and dairy farming, they constituted less than 30% of the labor force.This study suggests that the feminization of the agricultural labor force has not grown substantially over the past 30 years, and it was not as serious as non-agricultural department. Therefore, this issue should not be over-emphasized in the latter studies again. In micro-level, however, various farm types have different average degrees of labor feminization so that this argument should be discussed carefully in the future researches.


