  • 期刊

臺灣地區天竺草(Panicum maximum)農藝性狀分群之研究

Cluster Analysis of the Agronomic Traits of Guineagrass (Panicum maximum) of Taiwan


天竺草(Panicum maximum)原產於熱帶及亞熱帶的非洲及印度,爲一品質優良之牧草,台灣於1908年由菲律賓引進試種且生育良好,經過近百年的演化,天竺草已有許多變種產生。本研究收集台灣地區21縣市之天竺草及綠天竺草共115個品系,調查其農藝性狀及遺傳變異並進行群叢分析,以探討此二草種之變異及分佈情形。結果顯示:在綠天竺草方面,遺傳距離介於4.3-26.5間,以歐氏距離在12.8處爲臨界點,可將全部綠天竺草收集系分爲5群,第1群由台南、花蓮、台中、台東和台北所組成,第2群由桃園、嘉義、新竹和苗栗所組成,第3群由彰化、高雄和雲林所組成,第4群由宜蘭所組成,第5群由屏東所組成。在天竺草方面,遺傳距離介於10.5-74.7間,以歐式距離37.5處爲臨界點,亦可將全部天竺草分爲5群,第1群由苗栗所組成,第2群由台中、台南、雲林所組成,第3群由彰化、嘉義、高雄和台東所組成,第4群由南投所組成,第5群由屏東、花蓮和宜蘭所組成。


天竺草 農藝特性 群叢分析


Guineagrass (Pancium maximum) is an excellent forage grass that originates from tropical Africa and subtropical India. The guineagrass was introduced from Philippines in 1908 and grown well in Taiwan. In the past one hundred years’ cultivation many ecotypes were observed. We have isolated and collected 115 lines of guineagrass and green guineagrass from 21 of counties and used in this study. The objectives of this study are to investigate their differences in agronomic traits and identify genetic variation by cluster analysis in order to verify the variation and local distribution between two species. In green guineagrass, the genetic distance was located between 4.3-26.5 and 5 groups were divided based on the Euclidean distances 12.8 as the critical point. The first group included Tainan, Hualine, Taichung, Taitung, and Taipei, the second group included Taoyuan, Chiayi, Hsinchu, and Miaoli, the third included Changhua, Kaohsiung, and Yunlin, the fourth and fifth groups included Yilan and Pingtung, respectively. In guineagrass, the genetic distance was located between 10.5-74.7 and 5 groups were divided based on the Euclidean distances 37.5 as the critical point. The first group included Miaoli, the second group included Taichung, Tainan and Yunlin, the third group included Changhua, Chiayi, Kaohsiung and Taitung, the fourth group included Nantou, the fifth group included Pingtung, Hualien and Yilan.
