  • 期刊


Short Communication: A Survey of the Prevalence of Bovine Subclinical Mastitis Occurring at the Middle Area of Taiwan


民國81年8月至82年6月間,以加州乳房炎測試法(California mastitis test;CMT)檢測本省中部地區17個牧場992頭泌乳牛之3,968個分房乳,結果17.4% (691/3968)有CMT 2級以上的潛在性乳房炎(subclinical mastitis),而盲乳(blind quarter)有4.1%(163/3968),總計本省中部地區乳牛異常分房數高達21.5%(854/3968)。細菌分離鑑定結果,得知乳房炎病原菌的出現率分別為:Streptococcus spp 49.0%(300/612),Staphylococcus spp 33.6%(206/612),Gram-negative bacilli 11.4%(70/612),Yeast 0.2%(1/612)及others 5.8%(35/612)。


A survey of the prevalence of bovine subclinical mastitis in 17 dairy farms located at the middle area of Taiwan was conducted by employing the California mastitis test (CMT) from Aug. 1992 till June 1993. Totally, 992 milking cows including3968 udders. were examined in this study. The results showed that 17.4% (691/3,968) of the investigated bovine udders had a CMT value reaching 2 and 3 degrees, which is the indication of bovine subclinical mastitis, whereas 4.1 % (163/3,968) of the bovine udders had already become the ”blind quarter”. Accordingly, the prevalence rate of the abnormal bovine udders at the middle area of Taiwan was calculated as high as 21.5% (854/3.968). The incidence rates of mastitis pathogens isolated from the 691 subclinical mastitis udders were as followed: Streptococcus spp 49.0%(300/612), Staphylococcus spp 33.6%(206/621), Gram-negative bacilli 11.4%(70/612),Yeast 0.2%(1/612) and others 5.8%(35/612).


