本試驗以流式細胞儀(Flow cytometer)研究小豬迴腸派亞氏腺(Peyer's patch)發育過程中,免疫細胞的組成與年齡及有否斷乳之間的關係。以十六頭仔豬為材料,比較三、五、七週齡小豬迴腸派亞氏腺的免疫細胞組成,發現隨著年齡的增長,CD1+比例並無明顯異;然而,T細胞(CD2+;pan T cell)與T細胞次族群的T help 細胞(CD4+)、T cytotoxic細胞(CD8+)則隨著年齡增長有顯著變化;T細胞及其次族群在五週齡時比例最低,到了七週齡時上升並超過三週齡的水準。這個現象可能顯示,小豬出生後迴腸派亞氏腺許多T細胞逐漸死亡,過了五週後本身免疫力增強,自體產生的T細胞數量增加並佔據優勢。另外,我們也探討斷乳過程對細胞組成的效應,發現斷乳與否對淋巴細胞比例似無顯著影響。但是,我們偵測MHCII抗原表現細胞的比例,發現在斷乳組且之表現多於不斷乳組。由於斷乳後小豬主要會受到兩方面影響,其一是接觸大量的食物抗原;其二是斷絕了從母體所獲得之免疫能力。因此我們推測,上述兩個因素主要是刺激抗原表現系統(Antigen-presenting system)有關功能的發育。
The effects of age and weaning on immune cell populations in the ileal Peyer's patch (IPP) of piglets in age of 3, 5 and 7 weeks were investigated through flow cytometer. The studied immune cell populations included CD1+, CD2+, CD4+, CD8+ and cells expressing MHC ClassII antigen. There was no significant age effect on the population of CD1+cell as well as MHCII-expressing cells. Sixteen piglets were used for the studies. The piglets were sacrificed at ages of three, five and seven weeks. The ratio of immune cells in the ileal Peyer's patch were studied. The T cells and the subsets of T cells did show obvious difference between ages of piglets. The population ratios of T cells and the subsets decreased from the 5th week and reached the peak at the 7th week. The results suggested that many T cells and subsets on the IPP were dying gradually after birth, however, the cells increased in number owing the antigenic stimulation and the gradual maturation of the immune system and they eventually played a dominant role in the mature IPP. Although there were no significant changes in the lymphocyte populations between weaned and unweaned groups, a greater population of the MHCII-expressing cells in the weaned group was detected. It is therefore believed that weaning may exert important influence on the development of the MHCII antigen-presenting system.