於1994年7月至1996年12月期間,以病理學方法調查國科會國家實驗動物繁殖及研究中心健康監測及淘汰之無特定病原大鼠及小鼠計1666頭,結果發現自發性腫瘤48頭(2.9%)。前述48例腫瘤中,小鼠佔26例(54.2%)而大鼠佔22例(45.8%)。小鼠之品種分佈為ICR 10例,AKR/J 8例,C3H/HeJ 3例,AKR/N, DBA/2N, DBA/2J, BALB/cByJ,BALB/cAnN各1例。另大鼠之品種為SD 7例,Wistar 11例,SHR/N 3例,Lew/SsN 1例。性別分佈為母鼠佔77.1%,公鼠佔22.9%。若以年齡分佈26週齡以下12.5%, 26-52週齡60.4%,大於52週齡佔27.1%。腫瘤之發生部位以生殖系統(包括乳腺)佔最高52%,造血系統33.3%,及皮膚6.25%次之。所有腫瘤可分為13類,其中以淋巴瘤14例(29.2%)最多,其次為乳腺纖維腺瘤10例(20.8%),再次為乳腺癌8例(16.7%),其他依次為乳腺瘤4例(8.3%),基底細胞癌,組織細胞肉瘤及腎胚瘤各2例,而肺癌,乳腺癌肉瘤,未分化腺癌,卵巢腺癌,許旺氏細胞瘤,纖維瘤各1 例。
A total of 48 (2.9%) spontaneous tumors are diagnosed from 1666 rats and mice in the National Laboratory Animal Breeding and Research Center during a period from July 1994 to December 1996. The animals were raised in Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) condition. The 48 tumors diagnosed were 26 (54.2%) in the mice including 10 ICR, 8 AKR/J, 3 C3H and one each of AKR/N, DBA/2N, DBA/2J, BALB/c ByJ and BALB/c AnN; and 22 (45.8%) in the rats including 7 SD, 11 Wistar, 3 SHR/N and 1 Lew/ SsN. Sex predilection of these tumors were 77.1% (37/48) in females and 22.9% (11/48) in males. Age prevalence was 12.5% found in rodents under 26-week-old, 60.4% in 26 to 52-week-old and 27.1 % over one-year-old. The tumors most commonly affect reproductive system (52%), hemopoietic system (33.3%) and integument(6.25%). The 48 tumor cases were classified in 13 diagnosis with the most three comomon occurences as Iymphoma (14/29.2%), mammary gland fibroadenoma (10/20.8%), mammary gland adenocarcinoma (8/16.7%). The remainders were mammary gland adenoma (4), basal cell carcinoma (2), histiocytic sarcoma (2), nephroblastoma (2), alveogenic carcinoma (1), mammary gland carcinosarcoma (1), mammary gland undifferentiated carcinoma (1), ovarian adenocarcinoma (1), schwannoma (1), and subcutaneous fibroma (1). These tumors were diagnosed morphologically based on histopathological, ultrastructurally and immunohistochemical investigations.