  • 期刊


Xylazine-Ketamine Anesthesia in Paguma Larvata Taivana and Its Antagonism by Yohimbine


本研究的目的在觀察臺灣白鼻狸貓對xylazine(XYL)-ketamine(KET)合併麻醉之反應以及yohimbine(YOH)對XYL-KET麻醉之拮抗效果。使用成年臺灣白鼻狸貓進行各種XYL-KET組合劑量之麻醉實驗,包括XYL(40mg╱mL)和KET(50mg╱mL)以1:1(1mL或2mL)、2:3(1mL或2mL)之比例與劑量給藥,或給予XYL-KET之組合劑量: 5mg╱kg-10 mg╱kg、5mg╱kg-15 mg╱kg或5mg╱kg-20 mg╱kg。實驗結果以XYL(5mg╱kg)和KET(20mg╱kg)併用之效果最好。經atropine (0.05mg╱kg)前處理之動物,可在上述之組合劑量肌肉注射後2.2±0.2分鐘發生共濟失調和4.0±0.3分鐘失去翻正反射。在注射後5分鐘,動物均失去眼瞼反射、角膜反射和針剌反射。麻醉時間可維持49-78分鐘。麻醉期間,所有狸貓之骨骼肌鬆弛良好。動物自麻醉恢復之現象平穩。在注射XYL(5mg╱kg)KET(20mg╱kg)後30分鐘,分別由靜脈給予生理食鹽水(0.4mL,對照組)或不同劑量之YOH(0.1% w╱v溶液,0.0625、0.125或0.25mg╱kg),以觀察狸貓自XYL-KET麻醉之恢復情形。對照組需要34.7±5.1分鐘,可恢復翻正反射。YOH處理組則均可明顯縮短狸貓恢復翻正反射時間,有依劑量增加而縮短麻醉時間的現象。動物在回復翻正反射後,皆未再呈深鎮靜或麻醉狀態。不過,低劑量組(0.0625mg╱kg)回復翻正反射時間之個體變異大(5.2-21.9分鐘),而高劑量組(0.25mg╱kg)之動物在回復翻正反射後的呼吸速率與心跳速率明顯增加。因此,由本實驗之結果顯示XYL(5mg╱kg)-KET(20mg╱kg)可適用於麻醉臺灣白鼻狸貓,且YOH(0.125mg╱kg)可有助於控制XYL-KET麻醉的時間。


To study the anesthetic effect of xylazine (XYL)-ketamine (KET) combinations and the antagonism by yohimbine (YOH) in Paguma larvata taivana (Formosan masked civet), adult civets were anesthetized using various dosages, including 1 or 2 mL of 1:1 or 2:3 ratio of XYL (40 mg/kg)- KET (50 mg/kg), or XYL-KET combinations in 5-10, 5-15 or 5-20 mg/kg. The combination of XYL at 5 mg/kg and KET at 20 mg/kg had the best anesthetic effect. After IM injections of XYL (5 mg/kg)-KET (20 mg/kg), the atropinized (0.05 mg/kg, IM) animals produced incoordination and lost the righting reflex in 2.2 ±0.2 and 4.0 ± 0.3 minutes, respectively. The drug combination produced negative response to palpebral, corneal and needle prick reflexes in all the tested civets 5 minutes after administration. The duration of anesthesia lasted for 49-78 minutes. The civets showed good skeletal muscle relaxation and recovered from the anesthesia smoothly. 30 minutes after injections, the civets were given saline (0.4 mL, control group) or YOH (0.1% w/v solution; 0.0625, 0.125 or 0.25 mg/kg), IV, respectively, to evaluate the antagonistic effect of YOH on XYL-KET anesthesia. The civets in the control group needed 34.7 ± 5.1 minutes to regain the righting reflex. In contrast, all YOH-treated civets showed significantly shortened recovery period from anesthesia in a dose-dependent manner. The animals did not relapse into deep sedated state or anesthesia after the recovery. However, the reversal effect of low YOH dose (0.0625 mg/kg) had a wide range of 5.3- 21.9 minutes. In addition, the respiratory and heart rates increased markedly in high-YOH-does (0.25 mg/kg)-treated civets after the recovery from anesthesia. Therefore, this study indicated that a combination of XYL (5 mg/kg)-KET (20 mg/kg) is adequate to induce anesthesia in Paguma larvata taivana and YOH (0.125 mg/kg) can be used to control the duration of the XYL-KET anesthesia.


Anesthesia Ketamine Paguma larvata taivana Xylazine Yohimbine
