  • 期刊


Spring Time East Asia Large Scale Characteristics Post ENSO Part I: The Spatial Distribution of SST and OLR




梅雨 ENSO年 大尺度特徵


This study attempts to identify the effect of the tropical forcing on the weather and climate in the East Asia region. The spatial pattern of certain meteorological variables during the Spring period after the mature phase of ENSO events are the focal points of this investigation.In order to reveal the spatial pattern of the eigen vectors of the sea surface temperature (SST) and the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis, along with the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) methods are adopted. Some of the preliminary results are presented here.The results indicate, during the Spring time after the mature phase of ENSO, equatorial central and eastern Pacific area have higher SST and lower OLR values, while the SST is lower and OLR values higher in the equatorial western Pacific. And it is also found that the subtropical western Pacific area possesses similar in phase distribution with the equatorial central Pacific area. Namely, it tends to have higher SST and lower OLR values in the subtropical western Pacific area.This study contains two parts. Only part I results are presented in this study. Part II of this study will emphasize in understanding the circulation characteristics during the Spring period, also after the mature phase of ENSO events. A conjecture is also postulated in part II to summarize those essential anomaly patterns. More discussion are provided to further explain this conjecture.


Mei-Yu Post-ENSO Large scale characteristics OLR SST


