  • 期刊


An Integrated Application of MM5 Mesoscale Model and Air Dispersion Model: A Study of Pollutant Dispersion from Nuclear Power Plants




This study utilizes mesoscale numerical model MM5 to simulate real weather cases and then combine atmospheric dispersion model for study for finite-volume pollutant sources. This paper investigates the characteristics of circulation and pollutant dispersion with simulation focuses on northern Taiwan and metropolitan Taipei area with model resolutions of 1000m and 333m respectively. The high-resolution simulation results show very detailed planetary boundary layer (PBL) characteristics in relation to terrain effects under prevailing northeasterly wind. At higher elevation of the terrain, the PBL height in this area during the nighttime is lower and its variation primarily reflects the terrain height contour as the prevailing wind is nearly northeasterly. However, as the upstream environmental wind shifts to be more easterly, the PBL height is apparently modified by local terrain circulation with an extreme low value in the Taipei Basin and downwind of the Tar-Tun Mountain. The high-resolution dispersion simulation results indicate that the air pollutants from Nuclear Power Plants 1 and 2 enter Taipei and reach the western basin after 2h with the concentration reduced to one-hundredth in the case of prevailing northeasterly wind. The pollutants also contaminate Taipei City in the case of prevailing northerly wind but tend to have larger impact on its eastern part as well as the southwestern part later due to the recirculating flow of the mountain lee vortex. In the case of more easterly prevailing wind, pollutants are transported mainly by the turning flow around the Tar-Tun Mountain and most are carried to the offshore region of Tuo-Yuan and Chung-Li. Due to the resistance of the confluent flow from the lee vortex of the Tar-Tun Mountain and the easterly downslope wind of the Shei Mountain Range, the pollutant concentration doesn't tend to penetrate into the basin under the condition of more easterly synoptic wind. This study has demonstrated the feasibility of the combined application of MM5 model and dispersion model that may be helpful for high-resolution simulation in local regions to understand emergent dispersion processes of nuclear or general air pollutants and are sharable as a tool of real-time operation.
