  • 期刊


Using TRMM/PR Data to Analyze Typhoon Rainfall Characteristics over the Oceans


研究中分析1998~2002年Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM)衛星上裝載的Precipitation Radar(PR)於西北太平洋所觀測的颱風資料。目的在探討海上颱風於不同生命期中降雨強度與結構的特徵。同時,利用日本Geostationary Meteorological Satellites 5(GMS-5)衛星所提供的逐時紅外線觀測資料,增加颱風觀測的時間解析度;以及應用美國太空總署TRMM辦公室提供之TRMM Microwave Imager(TMI) 2A12微波資料反演降雨產品,輔助對颱風中心(眼牆)的定位。研究結果發現,若以PR 2A25降雨產品計算的1mm/h降雨強度定義颱風的發展高度,在初生期階段,平均高度在15.3公里,最高可達18公里以上;在成熟期階段,平均高度降低至12.9公里,但是有對流塔的出現,就會發現達到18公里的高度,如果將具有對流塔的個案除去,其平均高度在12.2公里;在消散期階段,平均高度更降低至8.6公里。在降雨特徵方面,初生期主要是以對流胞和對流集合體(convective complex)爲最強的降雨;進入成熟期之後,這些對流成爲有組織的對流系統,並且眼牆降雨是這時期最主要且最強的降雨區域;消散期的颱風主要是以層狀的降雨再加上淺對流爲主。此外颱風眼牆隨高度傾斜程度的不同,低層內傾而高層外傾,甚至有從低層至高層完全向內傾斜的現象。


TRMM PR 颱風降雨特徵


The Precipitation Radar (PR) of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) is the first space-borne radar that is cable of resolving the detailed vertical structure of rain profile. Covering 1998 through 2002, 88 overpasses of 27 typhoons of West Pacific Ocean by the TRMM satellite are used to document the observed rain rate (RR) and the PR measurements. The life cycle of tropical cyclones consist of three stages such as the genesis stage, the mature stage and the decaying stage. In all my collecting dataset, the data of WUTIP and HALONG typhoons have over the life cycle, so we use them to analyze the intensity and rain profile of the life cycle of tropical cyclones. Besides, the GMS-5 has one image ever per hour, use them to emphasis on temporal continuation of tropical cyclones. We define the RR of 1 mm/h as the storm height. Resulting the average altitude of the storm height is 15.3 km in the genesis stage, even higher than 18 km. In mature stage, the average altitude of the storm height is 12.2 km. If convective towers exist, than the altitude is higher as the genesis stage. In the decaying, the average altitude of the storm height is 8.6 km. Aspect of the intensity of RR, convective cell or group of convective cells is the main in the genesis stage. In the mature stage, all of the group of convective cells convert into the eye wall and become more organization. In the decaying stage, the main behavior is the stratiform precipitation and shallow convection. We also discover many kind of eye's shape and the most are circular and elliptical, but polygonal eye also being found.


TRMM PR Typhoon rainfall characteristics
