

背景:利用小兒放置硬腦膜外細管之用具,我們研究了經皮膚穿入放置硬腦膜外細管於兔子之術式。 方法:經麻醉後,十隻大於3公觔的兔子,以19號Touhy針和23號硬腦膜外細管,於薦骨與尾骨間之凹陷處,置入硬腦膜外細管,此細管之正確位置由X光透視和顯影劑證實,然後固定細管。四星期後,犧牲兔子,由病理科醫師仔細檢查並記錄。 結果:X光透視和顯影劑可證實所有硬腦膜外細管之位置。兩隻兔子細管之位置不正確,需要重作。一隻兔子於注射顯影劑後死亡。一隻術後後肢癱瘓了一個星期,兩隻有皮下發炎。 結論:經皮膚穿入放置硬腦膜外細管於兔子之方式是可行的。併發症可由經驗增加而減少。此方式對直接注射中樞藥物之研究,很有助益。


Background: Using a pediatric epidural set and through caudal approach, we studied a relatively non-invasive technique for epidural percutaneous cannulation in rabbit for chronic laboratory investigations. Methods: Ten rabbits weighing over 3kg were chosen and anesthetized with intravenous pentothal. A #19 pediatric Touhy needle and 23-gauge catheter were used for cannulation. Via the caudal approach, the epidural space could be located either by a “give” or with a technique of loss of resistance. Under fluoroscopy the catheter was tested with the injection of contrast medium for the confirmation of the proper position. The catheter was then tunneled under the skin and secured. The rabbits were kept in standard care for 4 weeks and then sacrificed by intraperitoneal pentothal overdose. A pathologist blinded to the study carefully examined the whole spine by laminectomy from cervical to coccyx and the findings were recorded. Results: With the injection of contrast medium, the final position of the catheter was validated by fluoroscopy in all rabbits. Two rabbits sustained immediate complications from the contrast medium and/or technique, of which one died shortly after the contrast medium injection and the other had weakness of the hind legs for a week At sacrifice, all the catheters were found in good position. Two had hematoma associated with signs of trauma. One developed subcutaneous abscess. One had stitch infection of skin. Conclusions: Percutaneous cannulation of epidural catheter is possible in the rabbit. Complications could be ameliorated by prudent approach in a skillful hand. It can be a reasonable model for the study of centrally administered medicines and their neurotoxicity.


Catheterization Epidural catheter Rabbit
