  • 期刊

Failure of Prevention Against Postoperative Vomiting by Ondansetron or Prochlorperazine in Patients Undergoing Gynecological Laparoscopy



背景:Ondansetron已經核可作為手術後嘔吐之預防及治療。因為具有強力的止吐效果,較少之副作用,可能在婦科腹腔鏡手術的病人可以達到止吐的效果。我們研究術前給予靜脈注射4毫克或8毫克的ondansctron與5毫克之Prochlorperzine與安慰劑的止吐效果的差別。 方法:一百二十位病人隨機分為四組:對照組給予生理食監水4毫升,第二組給予靜脈注射ondansetron4毫克,第三組給予靜脈注射ondansetron8毫克,第四組給予靜脈注射prochlorpeozine5毫克,所有病人均不給與術前給藥。 結果:靜脈注射ondansetron4毫克,8毫克,prochlorperazine 5毫克之效果和注射生理食監水4毫升效果并無差异。 結果:術前給予靜脈注射ondansctron 4毫克,8毫克,Prochlorperazine 5毫克并無法有效預防婦科腹腔鏡手術後之嘔吐現象。由於ondansteron屬於高價藥品,婦科腹腔鏡手術之病人并不適於常規使用此藥作為手術後之嘔吐之預防。


Background : Ondansetron has been approve d for the treatment and prevention of postoperative emesis. Since it is presumably considered to possess potent antiemetic effect with fewer side effects, the administration of ondansetron to inhibit emesis in patients following gynecological laparoscopic surgery might be recommendable. Hence, we examined the effects of intravenous ondansetron at dosage of 4 and 8 mg in comparison with intravenous prochlorperazine at 5 mg and placebo. Methods: A total of 120 patients were allocated randomly into 3 groups. Group 1patients whose rvedas control were given NaCl 0.9% 4 mL (placebo) intravenously (i.v.); patients in group 2 and group 3 we re given ondansetron 4 mg ondansetron 8 mg i.v. respectively; patients in group 4 were given prochlor perazine 5 mg i.v. Premedication was omitted. Results: Logistic regression analysis adjusted for prognostic factors revealed no significant difference between 5 mg prochlorperazine group and 4 mg or 8 m g ondansetron group as compared over the 24 h study period. Conclusions : The results of this study suggest that i.v. 4 or 8 mg ondansetron and 5 mg prochlorperazine were not effective in prevention of postoperative emesis in patients under going gynecological laparoscopy. Since the cost of ondansetron is high, its routine use for prevention against postoperative nausea and vomiting is not bere commended clinically because of its uncertain benefit.
