  • 期刊


Did Sakura Mogozo's Changed Role Influence His Cross-Cultural Writings on the Folklore of Fujian and Taiwan?-A Comparison of Min Feng Za Ji and Tai Feng Za Ji


本文針對佐倉孫三(1861-1942)所著之《閩風雜記》與《臺風雜記》進行比較分析。佐倉孫三於1895年來臺,擔任殖民政府的警官,歷時三年(1895-1898),《臺風雜記》是他有關臺灣風俗的紀錄,其目的主要作為日本政府殖民施政之參考。《閩風雜記》則是他在福州擔任武備學堂教席時所著,他在福建的時間雖有七、八年,但是《閩風雜記》是他旅閩頭一年所寫就,客卿的身分使得他的閩風書寫,有許多異於他的臺風書寫之處。 筆者曾經為文探討《臺風雜記》的成書背景及其歷史意義,有關《臺風雜記》的內容也曾加以整編出版,查考較方便,因此本文將以《閩風雜記》為中心,和《臺風雜記》兩相比較,以突顯佐倉孫三在進行跨文化的民俗書寫時,其角色的變化對於兩害之書寫風格與內容的影響。本文發現作為客卿的佐倉孫三,其《閩風雜記》含有長篇的遊記可以顯示其悠閑的客居歲月,而有關福建風俗的記載較為平賓客觀,與他在《臺風雜記》充滿主觀情感的書寫風格,頗不相同。


This study aims to carry out a comparative analysis of two books written by Sakura Magozo 佐倉孫三 (1861-1942), Tai feng za ji 臺風雜記(1903) and Min feng za ji 閩風雜記 (1904). Arriving in Taiwan in 1895, Sakuua Magozo served as a colonial police official for three years (1895-1898) at the very beginning of the Japanese regime in Taiwan. Tai feng za ji was a record of Taiwanese folklore written to serve as a reference for the Japanese colonial government. Min feng za ji was written shortly after his first year in Fujian 福建 where he taught in a military school in Fuzhou 福州, though he stayed in Fujian for almost eight years. This change in role is reflected in his writing style, distinguishable in many ways to that of Tai feng za ji. I have previously written an article on Tai feng za ji exploring the background of its writing and its historical significance. This has since been reorganized and published, and so this article focuses on Min feng za ji, comparing it with Tai feng za ji, to emphasize how Sakura's cross-cultural writing on folklore in Fujian, influenced by his changed role, differed in style and content from that in Taiwan. Min feng za ji contains lengthy travel notes that serve to illustrate that he enjoyed his leisure time abroad, which would not have been the case in Taiwan; his observations of local customs are relatively objective and unadorned, quite different in fact from the writing style employed in Tai feng za ji, which is filled with personal sentiment and emotion.


