  • 期刊


New Dao Theory: "Daoist Substance" and "Experiencing the Dao" Based on Wang Xuanlan's Xuanzhu Lu




道體 道性 重玄 王玄覽 玄珠錄


The rise of Wang Xuanlan's王玄覽 (626-697) Xuanzhu lu玄珠錄coincided with the Chongxuan重玄 (Twofold Mystery) trend of thought under contentions between Buddhism and Daoism in the Tang dynasty. Concerning the topic of the Chongxuan school, whether in ancient or contemporary times, a number of questions and criticisms have persisted and continue to attract much attention: Is the Dao of Chongxuan the ultimate substance of the universe? Xuanzhu lu integrates Buddhism and Daoism by, in one regard, inheriting the essentials of Laozi, and in another, dissolving the emptiness of Buddhism. Moreover, the issue of "Daoist substance" 道體is re-emphasized. Buddhism is based on the "anti"-metaphysical thinking of emptiness, which incessantly questions the Daoist notion of "Daoist substance" (the Dao of Chongxuan), whether it is "being"/"non-being" or "entity"/"non-entity." The answer to this core question not only lies with the Chongxuan ideological trend of the Tang dynasty, exemplified by Cheng Xuanying成玄英, Li Rong李榮, Tang Xuanzong唐玄宗, Du Guangting杜光庭, and others who gradually became prominent from interpretations of both Laozi and Zhuangzi, but is also reinterpreted with a remarkable theoretical understanding within the system of Wang Xuanlan's Xuanzhu lu from the early Tang dynasty. He developed a "new Daoism," which is unique in its interpretation of "Daoist substance" as "emptiness as substance" 以空為體and for the impermanence of Daoist nature, highlighting the conceptual transitions and interpretations regarding Daoist theory of the Tang dynasty. In this way, this topic of interest has led to reflections on whether the Dao of Chongxuan is a "metaphysical substance" in modern academic terms and on the gaps concerning interpretations or the amalgamation of fields caused by it. This study thus maintains that interpretations of Dao, regardless of being classical or contemporary, not only possess a "transitional" significance pertaining to the Chongxuan school of the Tang, but are also brimming with referential reflections on contemporary understandings.


隋.吉藏,《涅槃經遊意》,收入(日)高楠順次郎、(日)渡邊海旭等監修,《大正新脩大藏經》第38 冊,臺北:新文豐出版公司,1983。
唐.成玄英,《道德經義疏》,收入明.張宇初、邵以正、張國祥編纂,《正統道藏》第22 冊,上海涵芬樓影印本,臺北:新文豐出版公司,1985。
唐.李榮,《道德真經注》,收入明.張宇初、邵以正、張國祥編纂,《正統道藏》第23 冊,上海涵芬樓影印本,臺北:新文豐出版公司,1985。
