  • 期刊


Effects of Adhesives on the Joint Strength of China fir Heat-Stabilized Compressed Wood




The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of adhesives on the joint strength of China fir heat-stabilized compressed wood manufactured with five kinds of hot press temperature, and to find out the most suitable production condition and adhesives for heat-stabilized compressed wood in the use of furniture materials. The experimental results reveal that China fir heat-stabilized compressed wood jointed with cyanoacrylate have the best joint strength, while PVAc is the weakest. The materials with highest hot press temperature (as 160 DC, 170 DC) either withdrawal strength or bending moment is the weakest. Regarding the adaptability for adhesives to materials manufactured with different hot press temperature as followings: For withdrawal strength - the suitable hot temperature for UF glue is 130°C, while the others are 140 DC. For bending moment - the suitable hot press temperature for UF glue is also 130°C, PVAc is 140°C and 150°C for cross-linking PVAc, modification PVAc and cyanoacrylate.
