  • 期刊


Opacity Improvement of Light Weight Coated Paper



基重50 g/m^2之廠製原紙及配向手抄紙為基材,嘗試以不同顏料配製塗料液,手工單面施塗8 g/m^2,製造輕量塗布紙。比較單一顏料塗液之塗布結果,篩選效果明顯較優者作為顏料混合之依據。次進行混合顏料塗液之施塗,分析不同顏料之粒徑分佈,掃描式電顯觀察其形態差異,塗層表面及剖面之結構,探討彼等與塗布紙不透明度等各項性質之關係。常用顏料中,白土和碳酸鈣雖不如二氧化鈦具有絕佳之不透明度和白度,然售價遠低於後者,且由於彼等特有之顆粒型態和尺寸分布,以4:1之比例混合,配製以澱粉和苯乙烯丁二烯3:12之乳膠液為粘著劑之塗料液時可使輕塗紙之不透明度較原紙者提升七度以上,與使用白土或碳酸鈣單一顏料之塗布紙相較,不透明度亦高出1-2度,而白度、光澤度、平滑度等其他塗布紙相關性質亦獲相當改善。


The morphology and particle size as well as size distributions of pigments are critical factors determining the structure of the coating layer in a coated paper. A study was made to investigate the effect of combinations of various commonly used pigments on the coating structure and thus the opacity performance of lightweight coated paper. Mill made base paper and oriented handsheets were hand coated with a group of coating colors made from various single pigments by using latex as the binder. Pigments which provided better coating performance were selected to prepare coating colors of mixed specimens. Opacity, brightness and other related properties important for a coated paper were evaluated in correlation to the morphology and particle size distribution of pigments. Scanning electron microscopy was applied to compare the structure of particles as well as the surfacial and cross sectional structure of the coating layer. In the systems investigated, it was observed that the mixture of clay and calcium carbonate at the ratio of 4:1 provided an 1-2% better opacity than those coated with colors from only clay or calcium carbonate as pigment. Lightweight coated paper thus made possessed more than 7% better opacity than the uncoated base paper.
