  • 期刊


Preliminary Study on the Quality of Local and Imported Wood Preservative Treated Southern Yellow Pine


由於南方松(Southern Yellow Pine)在台灣建築材料的使用量有逐漸升高的趨勢,且大都使用於室外用構材,因此其防腐處理的品質甚為重要。本研究目的為比較市售國外進口防腐材與國內處理之防腐材在品質上的差異,目前使用的木材防腐藥劑為銅烷基銨化合物(Ammoniacal copper quats, ACQ)及銅唑化合物(Ammoniacal copper azole, CuAz);分析方法是將購得的南方松板材等分成10段,再取各分段邊材進行防腐處理結果的試驗。結果顯示,在藥劑滲透度方面,由於南方松板材的邊材率高,因此不論國外或國內防腐處理的南方松邊材滲透度皆可達到100%;防腐劑吸收量方面,則由於木材的不均質性,因此木材防腐劑在木材中的分布量也不平均,造成各分段的防腐藥劑吸收量不盡相同。另外,國內南方松防腐材的木材防腐藥劑的活性成分比例出現不合標準的情況,原因可能為藥劑的品質不良或是防腐處理製程所造成,實值得後續研究與改善。


In Taiwan, increasing volumes of treated Southern Yellow Pine (SYP) are being used in exterior residential construction where the wood is exposed to insect and fungi hazard. Wood preservatives used at present are copper-based compounds of ACQ (Ammoniacal copper quats), and CuAz (Ammoniacal copper azole, CuAz). The objective of this study was to investigate the quality of local and imported wood preservatives treated SYP. Samples of ACQ and CuAz treated SYP were purchased from local dealers and each was cut into 10 segments equally. Sapwood specimen is sampled from each segment for penetration and retention test. It is found that local or imported wood preservatives treated SYP achieved full sapwood penetration. As wood is an anisotropic substance, so wood varies which affects the distribution and retention of wood preservatives across one piece of treated wood. Hence the retention of wood preservatives in each segment is different. Besides that, it is found that the percent of active ingredients in local treated SYP does not meet the standard specification. This could be due to the poor quality of wood preservatives used or the uses of improper treatment process. As a result, it is necessary to continue further study in order to improve the quality of treated wood.
