  • 期刊


Survey on the Material Test, Leaching Test and the Contents of N-Nitrosamines in Baby Nipples


為了解市售嬰兒奶嘴之衛生安全現況,於1994年7月至1995年6月間,共抽得嬰兒奶嘴31件,依據行政院衛生署公告之標準與方法,分別進行材質試驗、溶出試驗及亞硝胺含量之測定。結果顯示,在材質試驗方面,鉛、鎘兩項均未檢出,合乎衛生標準。在溶出試驗方面,高錳酸鉀消耗量、重金屬、酚、甲醛、鋅及蒸發殘渣等六項亦均合乎衛生標準;其中高錳酸鉀消耗量為0.3~9.5ppm,鋅為0.03~0.4ppm,蒸發殘喳為9~24ppm。至於亞硝胺含量之測定,乃利用氣相層析儀-熱能分析儀(gas chromatography-thermal energy analyzer, GC-TEA)定量七種亞硝胺(NDMA, NDEA, NDPA, NDBA, NPIP, NPYR, NMOR),在31件嬰兒奶嘴中有7件檢出亞硝胺,檢出量為1.1~84.8ppb,其中3件不合格,不合格率為9.7%;若以奶嘴材質而分,20件矽膠奶嘴有3件不合格,不合格率為15.0%,而11件橡膠奶嘴則均未檢出;若以奶嘴來源而分,17件國產奶嘴有2件不合格,不合格率為11.8%,14件進口奶嘴有1件不合格,不合格率為7.1%。


In order to investigate the sanitation and safety of commercial available baby nipples, from July 1994 to June 1995, a total of 31 samples that included 20 silicon and 11 rubber nipples were collected and examined. All tests followed the official methods and hygienic standards of Taiwan. In the material test, lead and cadmium were not detected in any of the 31 samples. In the leaching test, the consumption of potassium permanganate in all the samples was found to be 0.3~9.5ppm. The contents of zinc and evaporated residues were 0.03~0.4ppm and 9~24ppm, respectively. Other tested items, such as phenol and formaldehyde, were found to be below the hygienic limit. In analysis of N-nitrosamines, NDMA, NDEA, NDPA, NDBA, NPIP, NPYR and NMOR were analyzed using a gas chromatography-thermal energy analyzer (GC-TEA). Of the 31 samples analyzed, N-nitrosamines were detected in 7 samples and the content ranged from l.l~84.8ppb. All of these 7 samples were made of silicone. Three samples (9.7%), including 2 domestic and 1 imported nipples, violated the tolerance level set by the Department of Health.
