  • 期刊


Trampling Impacts on Vegetation and Soil along Tsaoling Historic Trail in Northeast Coast of Taiwan


東北角草嶺古道為台灣北部最熱門的健行、賞景路線之一,歷經多年的遊客踐踏,該步道沿線之地被植群及土壤已呈現出相當程度的遊憩衝擊現象,實有必要對其作詳細的調查監測,並速謀改善或防治策略,以免衝擊效應日益惡化,而降低其遊憩環境品質,並影響遊客之遊憩體驗。 本研究藉由植群覆蓋度減少率(CR)及植相變異度(FD)兩項植群衝擊介量,輔以土壤硬度增加率(SHI)之調查監測,來評估草嶺古道沿線之植群及土壤衝擊效應,探討其與環境因子間之關係;並以步道兩側之地被植群覆蓋度為指標因子,進行「可接受的改變限度」(LAC)之調查分析。初步調查研究結果獲致若干結論: 1.草嶺古道沿線植群與土壤衝擊影響範圍主要集中在步道邊緣2m以內。 2.植群衝擊指數(IVI)之評估結果顯示,三個調查路段由於基地環境條件的不同,其衝擊程度略有差異,其中以虎字碑路段衝擊程度最為嚴重,其次為老榕樹路段,步道中間的雄鎮蠻煙碑路段則相對的較為輕微。 3.步道沿線之植群衝擊效應與步道坡度最具相關,而邊坡坡度也為重要影響因子。 4.以步道兩側1m的植群覆蓋度為LAC之指標因子,針對遊客所作之問卷調查結果,訂出其可接受改變之標準為減少45%之覆蓋度,亦即至少應維持55%之植被覆蓋。 為有效改善及防治草嶺古道沿線植群及土壤之衝擊效應,本研究依據實地調查研究結果,提出若干建議事項供為相關單位在制定或修正其經營管理策略時之參考。


This study was conducted to investigate the patterns and extent of trampling impacts along Tsaoling Historic Trail, one popular hiking route in northeast coast of Taiwan. In addition to the vegetational change represented by cover reduction (CR) and floristic dissimilarity (FD), the increase of soil hardness (SHI) was added as indicator for soil impact. The analysis of field data led to the following conclusions: 1. Trampling impacts on vegetation and soil changes were limited within 2 m along the trail. 2. With same trample intensity, the extent of trail degradation varied with the site conditions of different trail segments. 3. Based on the LAC questionnaires filled out by visitors, the standard of acceptable change in ground coverage was found to be 45% of coverage reduction from the trail. Some suggestions for management were offered to minimize the trampling impacts of this trail.


