  • 期刊

Watershed Management Integrating GIS and Watershed Model-A Case Study of Erosion Control in Pakistan



Integration of GIS ahd AGNPS model has been done for the analysis and delineation of critical erosive areas for the Upper Sil River Watershed in Soan. River Basin, one of the most eroded areas in the northern Pakistan, and -where the soil loss is taking place continuously with gradual increase in erosion. A delineation of the erosional area according to the degree of severity of erosion yield in 277 km^2 watershed was firstly finished. The results obtained reveal that about one third of the study area falls in high erosion zone and. about fifty percent of the total area is in medium erosion zone. This indicates the necessity of adaptation of appropriate soil conservation measures to protect the area. Simulation of various combinations of Best. Management Practice has been employed to study the effects from eleven different management scenarios by using AGNPS model again. The results obtained show the impact of various management alternatives on soil erosion control. The optimal solution has been found by adapting appropriate support practice without any change in the present landuse pattern. However, conversion of the unused area to forest generates the minimum sediment.


Erosion Control GIS AGNPS Pakistan


本文主旨乃在結合地理資訊系統與農業非點源汚染模式(AGNPS)以應用於宋河流域(Soan River Basin)喜兒上游集水區(Upper Sil River Watershed)臨界危險沖蝕區之劃界與分析。此喜兒上游集水區為巴基斯坦北部最嚴重沖蝕區之一,其沖蝕之嚴重正與日俱增中。本例首先在此277平方公里的集水區上游按沖蝕嚴重程度分區,得約有1/3屬嚴重沖蝕區,1/2為中度沖蝕區,這說明了採取土壤保育措施的必要性。隨後,各種最佳管理措施組合仍以AGNPS來模擬各種土壤沖蝕控制可行措施之衝擊,以研究11種不同管理策略之效果。本研究得出以不改變現有土地利用形態下加上適當支援措施為最佳策略。而未使用區如改以植樹可降低泥沙量至最少。
