  • 期刊


The Root Strength of Thorny Bamboo at Mudstone Area In Southwest Taiwan


刺竹爲台灣西南部泥岩地區早期主要造林樹種。約爲該地區造林面積之80%。目前因竹材價格低落,竹林之經營管理減少。其更新造林及其對坡面之保育功能之評價漸受重視。本研究爲探討刺竹與其他泥岩地區造林樹種之根力特性,特進行根系與根域範圍調査、根段拉力與植株引拔試驗等,推估其坡面保育功效之差異。研究結果摘錄如下:1.刺竹之根段拉力強度與其直徑成指數正相關,其計算式如下:Y=2.7741 X^(1.515) y = 2.7741 X ^(1515) 0.3mm <X <3.1mm Y:爲根段拉力強度(kg)X:爲根段直徑(mm)2.供試植物之引拔抗力與其胸高直徑成指數正相關,其計算式如下:刺竹F = 79.599D^(1.934) r = 0.966*** 24 ≦D≦4.47鐵刀木F = 48.183D^(1.914) r=0.94** 1.37≦D≦5.74摩鹿加合歡F=83.596D^(1.532) r = 0.971* 3.63≦D≦5.21大葉桃花心木F=6.56D^(2.741) r=0.711 N.S. 3.96≦D≦6.09赤桉F=276.72D^(0.902) r = 0.584 N.S. 1.46≦D≦4.24 F:爲最大抵抗力(kg)D:爲胸高直徑(cm)3.依有樹木無滲流無限邊坡坡面安定推導之公式分析結果,於泥岩地區各供試植物中,提供安定係數增加量,由大至小分別爲刺竹、赤桉、摩鹿加合歡、鐵刀木、大葉桃花心木等,刺竹於初期植生根力強度大於其他造林樹種。


Thorny bamboo was the previously most important afforestation tree in mudstone area of Taiwan. However, the bamboo forest has not remained in good condition because of the prices for bamboo material and reduced management. To improve their effectiveness of soil erosion control, the bamboo forest should be revegeted or have its vegetation structure changed. Therefore, this study investigated the root distribution, root strength, pulling resistance and certain plant physiological tests to compare the functioned difference between bamboo and other kinds of afforestation species on slope site. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1.Thorny bamboo root strength is exponentially proportional to the root diameter. The regression equations shown below can indicate the root strengths of different root diameters. Y=2.7741X^(1.516) r=0.626*** 0.3mm<X<3.1mm Y: root strength (kg) X: root diameter(mm) 2.The pulling resistance of individual tree species is related exponentially to their B.H.D. The equations are shown as follows: Thorny bamboo F=79.599D^(1.515) r-=0.966*** 2.4 ≦D≦4.47 Siamese senna F=48.183D^(1.914) r-=0.94** 1.37≦D≦5.74 Falcate-leaved albizzia F=83.596D^(1.532) r-=0.971* 3.63≦D≦5.21 Honduras mahogany F=6.56D^(2.741).r=0.711N.S. 3.96≦D≦6.09 Murray red gum F=276.72D^(0.902) r=0.0584 N.S. 1.46≦D≦4.24 F: Pulling resistance(kg) D : Breast-height diameter(cm) 3.Under the condition of unlimited slope with trees and no seepage flow supply, the slope stability coefficient could be increased by different species (ranked high to low )was: Thorny bamboo、Murray red gum、Falcate-leaved albizzia、Siamese senna、Honduras mahogany. The Thorny bamboo root strength is greater than the other afforestation species during the early growing stage.


