  • 期刊


Estimation of High Discharge Using Measured Surface Velocity




流量 表面流速 非接觸量測


Surface velocity distribution measured by non-contact techniques is currently used to obtain the flow information during floods. A non-contact measurement system, consisted of a continuous wave microwave Doppler radar and an ultrasonic sensor gauge, is established to measure stages and surface velocities of floods. This system obtains flood discharge without operation of human power and invasive measurement. In the laboratory flume, the non-contact measurement system is used to measure the inflow discharge. The continuous wave microwave radar is installed in three depression angles of 30°, 45° and 60°. The discrepancies between measured discharge and the inflow discharge are 34.9%, 14.4% and -0.6%, respectively. The field data of the non-contact measurement system established in Zengwen River indicates the system successfully captures continuous flood discharge during typhoons. The measured surface velocities and water levels both present the effect of hysteresis which is difficult to capture by the conventional flow measurement.
