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A Newly Developed Dull Seed Mungbean Variety, Tainan No.5


台南五號粉綠綠豆係由台南區農業改良場(台南場)及亞洲蔬菜研究發展中心(亞蔬中心)共同合作選育而成之高產量、高品質、抗白粉病之綠豆品種。本品種之雜交母本為亞蔬中心粉綠品系VC2750A,為大粒種(千粒重約60.0公克),成熟一致性及抗白粉病性優良;父本則為亞蔬中心油綠品系VC2768A,亦為大粒種(千粒重約65.3公克),早熟且適應性廣,產量高為其特色。民國71年夏作亞蔬中心育種小組用上述親本進行雜交,於72年至76年間進行初級、中級及高級品系產量試驗。台南場於75年高級試驗中選拔了包括VC3890A(即台南五號)之8個品系參加區域試驗,其中並另以油綠品種台南選三號及本地粉綠種V2010為對照品種,結果台南五號表現優異,至78年5月命名為台南五號開始推廣。台南五號在初、中、高級試驗中,平均產量為1423 kg/ha較台南選三號增產7%,而較本地粉綠種V2010增產42%。區域試驗二年春作四地點平均產量為1543 kg/ha,較台南選三號增產8%,較V2010增產36%;二年夏作四地點平均產量為1376 kg/ha,較台南選三號增產2%,較V2010則增產了42%。由上述成績可知台南五號較台南選三號及本地粉綠種V2010皆增產。台南五號對白粉病抗病表現為中抗至抗級;春作全生育日數約80天,夏作約67天,早熟且不易裂莢,成熟一致,第一次採收即可達總產量之85%;株高春、夏作均維持在62公分以內,不易徒長及倒伏,結莢位置高且集中,機收或手採均無困難。


In Taiwan, there was about 30,000 tons of mungbean consumed each year. Although the local fresh mungbean seeds are preferred by consumers and have a higher price than the imported mungbean, 90% of mungbean was imported. This is due to a high production cost and lack of outstanding variety in Taiwan. To meet this requirement, a high yielding and good quality mungbean variety, Tainan No.5, was developed and released in 1989 under the cooperation of Tainan District Agricultural Improvement Station (Tainan DAIS) and Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC).Tainan No.5 was developed through bulk-pedigree selection from a cross between VC2750A and VC2768A at AVRDC in 1982. It is a dull seed variety. The price of dull mungbean seeds is much higher than that of imported shiny seeds in Taiwan. The agronomic characteristics of Tainan No.5 are as following:1. Moderate resistant (MR) to resistant (R) to powdery mildew.2. Early maturing. It takes about 80 and 67 days to maturity in the spring and summer season planting, respectively.3. Uniform maturity. There is more than 80% of the total yield obtained at the first harvest.4. Dwarf type and resistant to lodging. Its plant height is between 50 and 62 cm.5. Easy for manual and mechanical harvesting. Its podding position is high and pods are clustered.




