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Breeding of the Newly Developed Supersweet Corn Hybrid "Tainan No. 18"


台南十八號命名前代號為南育3號,屬單交種。其系譜為母本Sig-2-1-1×父本Honey 388-12-1-2。母本為自Sigma 666品種分離選育出之品系,具有抗露菌病、莖腐病、早熟、耐熱及質優等特性。父本係自美國Haris Moin種子公司引進品種Honey 388分離而育成之品系,具有抗露菌病、銹病、早熟及耐熱等特性。南育3號於76年被選育出後,即經推荐參加全省性區域試作,栽培密度及肥料試驗,官能品嚐及化學品質分析及病害抗性檢定,各項試驗及檢定結果顯示,本品種具有豐產、抗露菌病、銹病、葉斑病、質優、早熟及耐熱之特性,適合本省沙質壤土,水源充足地區,春、秋作尤其夏作栽培。本品種每公頃栽培株數以5000株(行株距80×25公分)為佳。施肥量:每公頃硫銨800公斤、過磷酸鈣300公斤及氯化鉀120公斤為宜。南育3號於79年10月26日經農林廳召集之作物新品種審查會議通過,命名為台南十八號。


超甜玉米 耐熱 抗病性 早熟 質優


Tainan No. 18 is a single cross supersweet corn hybrid and was coded as Nanyu No. 3 before registration. Its pedigree is Sig 2-1-1 × Honey 388-12-1-2. The maternal line Sig 2-1-1 was derived from sigma 666 and characterized with resistances to downy mildew, and stalk rot, early maturity as well as heat tolerance. The paternal line Honey 388-12-1-2 was originated from Honey 388 and endowed with resistances to downy mildew, and rust disease, early maturity and heat tolerance also. Since being selected out in 1987, Nanyu No. 3 had been recommended to participate in regional yield trial, plant density and nitrogen fertilizer test, chemical analysis and sensory evaluation for quality and reaction test on various economic important disease and insect pests. The data collected from the above tests indicated that Nanyu No. 3 is characterized with high-yielding, moderate resistances to downy mildew, leaf blight and rust disease, early maturity and heat tolerance. After evaluation by the meeting of the Committee of Registration for New Crop Cultivar convened by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Taiwan Provincial Government, Nanyu No. 3 was finally named as Tainan No. 18, in October 1990. Tainan No. 18 is an early maturing supersweet corn hybrid and posseses a wide adoptation characteristic. It is suitable to be cultivated in the areas with sandy soil and good irrigation facility.
