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Studies on the Characteristics of Spring Flush on the Inflorescence Formation and Fruit-Set of "Matou Peiyu" (Citrus grandis)




麻豆白柚 春梢 花序 結果


The less leaf drop was observed during the fruit growing period because leaf drop was accumulated only to 10% in October when the fruits were harvested. Not much of leaf drop was also observed from October to early February of the next year. Before the shooting of spring flush in middle February leaf drop increased to 20%. Since then leaf drop increased greatly to 90% in early April. The data showed that most leaf drop occurred in the growth period of spring flush. Meanwhile, different amount of leaf drop varied in different growth environments. Within a plant, 86.3% of the flushes were appeared in the spring and 84.6, 11.5, and 3.9% of them were the terminal, the last second and the last third shoot, respectively. Of the spring flushes, 31.7% were able to produce inflorescence, and most of the inflorescence were developed from the terminal shoot, followed by the last second and the last third shoot, they were counted for 86.9, 12.5, and 0.6%, respectively. More leafy inflorescence Percentage were observed in the terminal shoot. Of the inflorescence shoots, only 3.4~4.8% were found with final fruit set.
