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Studies on Cultivating Technique for High-Quality Mungbean Sprout


本試驗的主要目的在於瞭解綠豆種子大小、溫度、壓力、香、乙烯及蛋胺酸對綠豆芽生產品質之影響,以簡單的方法,生產無污染、清潔之高品質芽菜。試驗結果顯示,種粒小的結豆較適合培育芽菜。室溫可影響芽菜之培育日數,30˚C時約3天,15~25˚C約6~7天,但對品質似無助益,而低水溫略可使芽菜胚莖增粗。為要抑制豆芽之縱向生長而促進其橫向生長,使胚莖增胖而提升其品質,採用磚塊重壓及培育盤重疊方式,所得芽菜品質均良好。本試驗所用之保麗龍盒(口徑23.5公分、高12.5公分)以3塊或4塊磚加壓(14.83或19.64 g/cm^2)較理想。培育盤重疊所生產之芽菜,除上面1~2層品質較差外,其餘各層芽菜之胚莖均較祖大,達市售標準。在175立方公尺之芽菜培育室內,早、晚各點燃10支香(可燃燒部分-口徑2公分,長52公分),及在20立方公尺小培育室裡點燃1支香,均可促使綠豆芽胚莖短胖,提升其品質。點燃的香平放在地面上,而芽菜培育盤放在較高之床架上效果較佳。瓶裝乙烯加設釋放量之控制器,在20立方公尺小培育室每天施用3~4次,每次量以5~10 ppm較適當,所生產的芽菜較市售品質更好。另外綠豆種子經2000 ppm蛋胺酸浸種,再配合香或乙烯之處理,其效果更佳。


芽苗菜 蛋胺酸 乙烯


In order to produce high quality of sprouts, this experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of seed size, temperature, pressure, burning incense, ethylene and methionine on the production and quality of mungbean sprouts. The results showed that smaller seeds were more suitable than large ones and room temperature affected the production time, it took 3 and 7 days at the room temperature of 30˚C and 20˚C respectively for producing mungbean sprouts, however, the quality was not improved. Lower sprinkling water temperature did slightly affect sprouts quality. Better mungbean sprouts was produced in a container (23.5 cm diameter × 12.5 cm high) with a pressure of three or four bricks on the top of beans (14.83 or 19.64 g/cm^2). Piling of producing trays up to 5 to 8 layers produced better quality of sprouts except the first top two layers. The quality can be improved by burning 10 incenses in the morning and evening daily in a 175 m^3 production room, or one incense in a 20 m^3 production room per day. Moreover, the production trays are better to be placed on the higher position of the shelves, and put the burning incense on the floor was more effective to improve the sprouts. High quality of mungbean sprouts was produced in a 20 m^3 production room with 5~10 ppm of ethylene three or four times each day. Better quality of bean sprouts was also produced if the seeds were presoaked in a 2000 ppm solution of methionine and then germinated in a room with burning incense or ethylene.


sprout methionine incense ethylene


