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Selection of a new Statice Cultivar 'Tainan No.1'


本研究在選育早花之星辰花[Limonium sinuatum (L.) Mill.],使其更適合臺灣平地栽培。採用「超群」、「福神」及「達摩」等混色系列,以標定早花星辰花植株,採混合選種早花植株持續選拔,經早花選育四至五代後,其花期均較原始族群提早70~80天左右,顯示早生選種的育種策略有效。所選得之「臺南1號」及商業品種「百萬紫」以組織培養繁殖,進行性狀與開花之比較試驗,結果顯示「臺南1號」定植前置於35/30℃之到花天數為82.7天,「百萬紫」為102.7天,而兩品種定植前置於15/10℃者較置35/30℃者分別減少12.4及22.4天,顯示「臺南1號」之開花需冷性較低,因而早花。選育之「臺南1號」是針對亞熱帶氣候條件下選育的品種,花萼紫色,可在臺灣平地10月定植,12月自然開花,能在價格最好的冬季採收切花供應市場需求。現有技術:星辰花在臺灣平地栽培目前均使用國外之商業品種,需在10月定植春化苗以促使種植後能夠較早開花,方可在切花價格較高的隔年1至2月間採收,春化成本高,且容易在種植後因環境高溫逆春化。創新內容:本研究經數代早花選拔,得到開花需冷性低且切花品質優良的新品種。對產業影響:新品種可在臺灣平地10月份種植,12月自然溫度下開花,不僅可以在價格最好的時期採收,且能減少人工低溫處理的成本,降低高溫下逆春化的風險。


切花 早花選種 星辰花 春化作用


The objective of this study was to select early flowering statice [Limonium sinuatum (L.) Mill.] cultivars for lowland production in Taiwan. Plants of 'Excellent Mix', 'Turbo Mix' and 'Fortress Mix' were used for selection. The early flowering plants were labelled for mass selection. After selection for 4 to 5 generations, the selected plants flowered consistently earlier than the original populations. The selected 'Tainan 1' and the commercial cultivar Million Purple were then mass-propagated by tissue culture. The average time to flowering of 'Tainan 1' and 'Million Purple' were 82.7 and 102.7 d, respectively. Whereas plants at 15/10°C of pre-planting temperature flowered 12.4 and 22.4 d earlier than those at 35/30°C, respectively. Results indicated 'Tainan 1' had lower low temperature requirement and subsequently flowered earlier. 'Tainan 1' has purple clayx and is selected for cut flower production in sub-tropical climates. In the lowland area of Taiwan, 'Tainan 1' can be planted in October and start flower in December with a flowering peak in January and February when the price is high. What is already known on this subject? The commercial cultivars of statice were almost introduced from temperate countries which were planted in the lowland area of Taiwan. The plantlets raised in low temperature environment for vernalization then plant in October to harvest in January and February that have higher flower price. Because these process enhance the cost and easy devernalization in high environment temperature. What are the new findings? This early-flowering selection was implemented for several generations to bred low vernalization requirement and high flower quality cultivar. What is the expected impact on this field? New cultivar could plant in October and flower in December under natural temperature in lowland area of Taiwan. It can get not only highest flower price but also reduce the cost of vernalization and decline the risk of devernalization in high temperature environment.

