  • 期刊


Who Can Jump out the Bandwagon Pressure?-The Bandwagon Effect and Learning Effect on New Technology Entry




A Firm often depended on the numbers of others, which had adopted an innovation, to decide whether it adopted an innovation or not. According to the bandwagon theory, the more numbers of innovation adopters led to the greater bandwagon pressure, and it can force a firm to adopt the same innovation. However, some researchers find that a part of firms can drop out the bandwagon, but why? Past studies found that some important factors, which included organizational experiences and competences, can depart from bandwagon and change a degree of the bandwagon pressure on organizational innovation. Therefore, this study combined bandwagon theory with organizational learning theory to explore interactions effect between bandwagon pressure and different types of learning experiences, which included explorative vs. exploitative learning and success vs. failure learning, on new technology entry. This study applied a longitudinal research design and used the secondary data from governmental archives, and the research target is an entry into new medical technology of hospitals in Taiwan between 1999 and 2002. Therefore, this study aimed to examine bandwagon pressure and also examine moderating effect of different types of internal learning experiences (explorative vs. exploitative learning, success vs. failure learning) on the relationship between the bandwagon pressure and new technology entry. In addition, it examined the moderating effect of different types of external learning experiences (success vs. failure learning from others) on the relationship between the bandwagon pressure and new technology entry. The results showed that the bandwagon pressure had a positive effect on an entry into new medical technology, and learning experiences could significantly change the relationship of bandwagon pressure and new technology entry. Exploitative experiences failure experiences from self failure experiences from others and success experiences from others all can reduce bandwagon effect on an entry into new technology, but success experiences from self can strengthen the bandwagon effect on an entry into new technology.


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