  • 期刊


Vacillation between the Exploitation and the Exploration of Technology: Ambidextrous Organization


面對環境不確定性,組織該如何調節現有技術的改善與平衡新技術的開發?過去研究觀點認為難以同時兼顧,但是越來越多的研究實證一個成功的組織是能夠以「雙面兼俱」(ambidexterity) 的方式,達到兩者兼顧。本研究以網絡結構分析的視角進行觀察,本研究認為所謂對環境的「適應」與「調整」,是組織如何與環境取得「和諧關係」的互動過程。本研究關注組織內部關係結構問題,針對組織成員(專利合作人員)之間的關係互動進行研究,透過解析關係結構的樣態,來解釋組織如何因應技術環境挑戰,達到雙元性組織的目的。在結論中所提出的管理意涵,可作為實務參考。本研究的創新與貢獻有二:第一,從網絡結構觀點出發,為組織如何兼顧深耕式與探索式創新提供一個解釋。第二,以技術活動的關係結構,反應組織因應技術不確定性的現象,具體呈現出組織的雙元性。


How do organizations survive in the face of technology changes? Can organizations adapt and maintain an appropriate balance between exploration and exploitation? Previous studies often regarded this trade-off as insurmountable, but more recent literature has presented a range of reasons to support ambidexterity. Past studies treated ambidexterity often focused on balancing the tension by organization. In other words, the subjects were circled around the perspective of "adaptability" and "alignment". Based on the perspective of "social network", we propose that adaptability is a kind of "harmonious interactive relationship" between organization and technological environment. We selected Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) as our empirical data. We then apply the notion of network of inventors to demonstrate how organizations perform an ambidextrous strategy to manage technology transition. In conclusion, we propose some managerial implication. The contributions of this paper are twofold. First is to explain how organizations pursue both incremental and discontinuous innovation simultaneously by the network structural perspective. Second is to investigate the network structure of R&D activities to further demonstrate how organizations react in response with environmental challenge.


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