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Study of Uranoscopidae Otolith Morphology from Da-si, Yi-lan County


本研究以宜蘭縣大溪漁港為研究採集地點,目前已蒐集瞻星魚科(又名鰧科)(Uranoscopidae)魚類耳石(矢狀石)標本有3屬7種:青瞻星魚Gnathagnus elongates,披肩瞻星魚Ichthyscopus lebeck,雙斑膽星魚Uranoscopus bicinctus,中華瞻星魚Uranoscopus chinensis,日本瞻星魚Uranoscopus japonicus,寡鱗瞻星魚Uranoscopus oligol epis,土佐瞻星魚Uranoscopus tosae。以初步分析結果得知,標本可以用外部形態與大小測量做簡易區分,因此可以利用瞻星魚科魚類失狀石形態來判斷不同物種。另外,以日本瞻星魚(U. japonicus )耳石長對魚體長做關係圖,呈現正相關性,(R^2=0.7844)。利用此回歸關係(y=4 .6753In (x) -16.025),將耳石長度帶入y,能夠回推該魚的魚體長(x),故能依其耳石長度估算魚體長數值。


瞻星魚科 魚類耳石 分類 大溪漁港 臺灣


Systematic studies of fossil otoliths are virtually based on the morphology and comparisons between extant Otolith. By identifying fossil Otolith, the final objective is to reconstruct paleoenvironment of sampling sites. Lots of fossil Otoliths have been found in Taiwan without identifications. However, studies of Otolith morphology in Taiwan are still rare. It is necessary to survey a large scale of loc al fish species with related Otolith prior to fos sil Otolith analysis. This study is based on the Otolith morphology of Uranoscopidae from Da-Si fishing port, and mainly describing Uranoscopus japonicus. Samples we have collected belong to 3 genera 7 species in this family: Gnathagnus elongates , Ichthyscopus lebeck, Uralloscopus bicillctus, Uranoscopus chillensis, Uranoscopus japonicus, Uranoscopus oligolepis, Uranoscopus tosae. The morphologies were examined separately and characteristics were drawn. The shapes of left sagitta imply classification key in species level at least in this family, which can be easily recognized. With regression analysis of log Otolith length on log fish length we found a relation (y=4.6753In(x)-16 .025) for U. japonicus. As a result of this relation, it is possible to presume the fish length from known Otolith length.


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