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A Preliminary Study of Late Pleistocene Megafauna Equus sp. from the Penghu Channel, Taiwan



在澎湖群島與臺灣本島之間有一北狹南寬的海槽,名之為「澎湖水道」。近二十年來,漁民從中撈獲不少「澎湖海溝」哺乳動物化石。國立自然科學博物館與北京中國科學院古脊椎動物與人類研究所合作利用館藏及私人收藏自澎湖海溝所撈獲的化石初步進行分類,該動物群可以鑑定的靈長類有晚期智人(Homo sapiens);食肉類有貓(Nectereulesprocyonoides),棕熊(Ursus arctos),最後蠶狗(Crocuta ultima),虎(Panthera tigris);奇蹄類有馬( Equus sp.);偶蹄類有豬(Sus sp.),梅氏四不像(Elaph urus menziesial1us),楊氏水牛( Bubalus youngi);長鼻類有古菱齒象(Palaeoloxodon sp.)。其中尤以體型較大的古菱齒象、水牛頭骨和肢骨以及鹿類的頭骨及鹿角佔絕大多數。本研究先描述該動物群中的馬類化石,然後再探討其系統分類的地位以及古生物地理的意義。


A large collection of late Quaternary Mammalian remains dubbed "Penghu fauna" were dredged up by fishing boats from the Penghu Channel in the Taiwan Strait during last two decades. This paper attempts to describe one of the megafaunas, Equus sp., the NMNS collection of nearly 500 mammalian fossil specimens dredged from the Penghu Channel. Following the completion of two years of research, the important species in this mammalian fauna were found to include: Nyctereutes procyonoides, Ursus arctos, Crocuta ultima, Pαnthera tigris, Palaeoloxodon naumanni penghunensis, Equus dalianensis, Equus przwqalskyi sinensis, Sus scrofa, Cervus hortulorum, Elaphurus davidianus and Bubalus teilhardi. Among them, the largest quantities of fossil specimens came from Palaeoloxodon naulnanni penghunensis, Bubalus teilhardi and Elaphurus davidianus. This paper attempts to describe one of the megafaunas, Equus sp. its taxonomic status and their paleobiogeographic implication.


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