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A "Blurred State" of Museum Object: The Formulation of "Restudying the Tso-chen Man" Research Project and Reconsideration of the Examination of Sampling of Dating Tso-chen Man Fossils




'Tso-chen Man" fossils, taken as a whole is one of the well-known research items among the collection of the National Taiwan Museum. For long years, it stands as the presumed earliest evidence of Paleolithic fossil hominid in Taiwan, hence the significant implications in the study of Taiwan Prehistory. Unfortunately, for decades, the relevant evidence of cultural remains for the 'Tso-chen Man" was still found lacking in the archaeological investigations conducted in southern Taiwan, and some scholars came to have reservations about the cultural pinpoint of existing 'Tso-chen Man" fossils. In 2014, National Taiwan Museum collaborated with other physical anthropologist, archaeologist, and geologist in Taiwan to conduct the "Restudying the Tso-chen Man" Research Project, which mainly focused on the contemplation and clarification of the chronological framework of 'Tso-chen Man". Taking 'Tso-chen Man" fossils in the collection of the National Taiwan Museum as the main specimen, the project tried to trace the whole course of this crucial research issue and shed some new light on the study of Taiwan Prehistory. The results of the "Restudying the Tso-chen Man" Research Project and its potential implications for the advancement of the study of Taiwan Prehistory were published in the final report in 2016. This article seeks to deliver an integral point of view of "the meaning of the existence of museum object". For this, this article first retraces the historical connection between 'Tso-chen Man" fossils and the museum. The second part deals with the current museum thinking process of this connection in the formulation of the "Restudying the Tso-chen Man" Research Project, and the administrative examination process regarding research design of "sampling of dating" during the transaction of the project. Consequently, the final part discusses the conceptual pitfalls that may inflicted upon museum administrative sectors when dealing with prospective museum object research issue as witnessed in the "Restudying the Tso-chen Man" Research Project case, as this may be of heuristic value for future scenario.


尾崎博、宋文薰、馬場悠男,1977。〈臺灣の左鎮にて發見された人骨片について〉。《第31回日本人類學會民族學會連合大會 》。東京:早稻田大學。
