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S. Yano's Specimens from Taiwan in Japanese Herbaria



Over two hundred plant specimens collected by the Japanese naturalist, Seikichiro Yano, in Taiwan in 1896-1897 are currently stored in the herbarium of the Museum of Hokkaido University (SAPS) and in the herbarium of the University Museum, Tokyo University (TI). The collections consist of 127 taxa of conifers and flowering plants and comprise 228 collection numbers. The Yano specimens in SAPS and TI not only represent another part of his collections beyond those in the herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE) and the Herbarium of National Museum of Natural Science (TNM), but also present numbers 601 to 789. Scientific names, localities, dates of collection and collection numbers are given in this paper. Moreover, Yano's specimens include information on where and when he started his journey from Japan to Taiwan 125 years ago.


Formosa SAPS Seikichiro Yano Taiwan TI


本文是記錄蒐藏於北海道大學總合博物館植物標本館(SAPS)及東京大學總合博物館植物標本館(TI),一批由日籍植物採集者矢野勢吉郎(Seikichiro Yano)在1896~1897年間採自臺灣計127分類群分屬228號植物標本。本批標本是自發現蒐藏於聖彼得堡科馬洛夫植物研究所植物標本館(LE)及國立自然科學博物館植物標本館(TNM)後,另一批大量的蒐藏,且增加矢野氏採集號601~789。經前往日本SAPS及TI比對鑑定後,較原名錄多出16物種及84號植物標本,且還得知當初矢野氏在125年前自日本前往臺灣的途徑及約略日期。唯為何北海道大學會蒐藏此一批採自臺灣的植物標本而本名錄卻由東京大學教授發表,且TI只蒐藏二份矢野氏標本,至今仍是個謎。


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Grabovskaya-Borodina, A.E., I. D. Illarionova and T.-Y.A. Yang. 2014. Collection of Yano’s specimens from Taiwan in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Taiwania 59(2): 164-189.
Huang T.-C. (Editor-in-Chef). 1994-2003. Flora of Taiwan, Vols. 1-6. (2nd ed.). Dept. Bot., NTU, Taipei, Taiwan.
Wang, J.-C. and C.-T. Lu. 2012. Flora of Taiwan, 2nd ed.-Supplement. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Matsumura, J. 1902. Some plants from the Island of Formosa. Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 16: 163-169.
