  • 期刊


Effects of Seedling Ages and Low Temperature Treatments on Growth and Yields in Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)




番茄 苗齡 低溫處理 始花期 始收期 產量


Two tomato cultivars, Taichung Asian No.4 and Known-you 301, were tested in the this study. Seedlings of 4, 5, 6 weeks old were treated in 20/12℃ for 10, 5 or 0 days before transplanting. Taichung Asian No.4 was higher or larger in node of first inflorescence, fruit setting percentage, node height of each inflorescence, number of flower, fruit set number, and number of fruit harvest on different harvesting period. Know-you 301 was higher in mean weight of single fruit. There was neither significant difference in days to flowering of first and second inflorescence, and nor days to harvest, early yield, and node number of 2nd to 5th inflorescence. Flower numbers and fruit set number of first inflorescence decreased as seedling age increased from 4 to 6 week. Node number and position height for first inflorescence increased as age of seedling increased. However, no significant difference was found in fruit setting rate, flower number and fruit set number beyond 2nd inflorescence, yield of different harvesting period, and single fruit weight between these two cultivars. After seedling were treated with low temperature, days to flowering and days to harvest were significantly delayed with no affection on mean weight of single fruit. The harvested fruit number of early yield decreased as day of low temperature treatment increased. Aside of the first inflorescence, node number of each inflorescence treated with low temperature were significantly lower than the untreated control set.
