

本院骨枓自1991年3月至1992年6月止,選擇性為13例肱骨骨折病患,以閉鎖式復位及 Ender 氏釘因定。這些病急均是因重大車禍,高處拌落合併有其他肢體骨折,頭部外傷等因素而接受手術。手術方法係依據 Hall and Pankovich 分為 antegrade 及 ret - rograde,在 C-arm 底下探作,平均手術時問 104 分鐘(向 70 至 160 分鐘),平均出血量小游 100 毫升。經過一年以上的追蹤,共得 12 例,結果有 11 例癒合( 91.6 % )。手術稜併發症包括有打子滑脫兩例,手術中引委新骨折一例,沒有傷口感染,也沒有梡神經傷害。我們認為肱骨骨折需要手術治療時, Ender 氏釘是一個好選擇。它的優點是手術過程簡單,同時可以減少感染及不癒合的機會。From March 1991




From March 1991 to June 1992, thirteen patients with humeral shaft fracture were man-aged at our hospital with clodsed reduction and internal fixation with Ender nails. These pa-tients were mainly victims of traffic accidents and falls and had fractures, head injuries, and chest trauma. The follow-up period was more than 1 year. Operations were performed under C-arm guide and, according to the method of Hall and Pankovich, divided in into antegrade and retrograde methods. The average operation time was 104 minutes, from 70 to 160 minu-tes, and blood loss was less than 100 ml. Twe-lve patients were available for follow-up with 11 unions (91.6%), and the functional results were satisfactory. Complications included 2 nails backing out and one iatrogenic fracture. There was no infection and no radial nerve injury. We concluded that for those humeral shaft fractures with surgical indication, Ender nailing was a good choice. The advantages include a simple procedure, lower infection rate and less nonuni-ons.


humeral fracture Ender nail
