  • 期刊


The Infiltrating Mechanism of Soils for Scales of Precipitation


降雨是補注地下水的主要來源之一,但是否每場降雨都能補注到地下水,將影響地下水預測的準確度。因此本研究嘗試利用灰關聯分析,分析雲林縣斗六地區「雲科大校園場址」之降雨量對入滲影響機制。 本研究嘗試將降雨量、地下水位及未飽和土壤水份壓力等逐時觀測資料,由灰關聯分析來探討不同大小降雨量產生入滲至地表下不同深度前所需之時間及到達淺層含水層地下水位面所需之時間,並以雲林縣斗六地區「雲科大校園場址」觀測資料做為本研究實例驗證,而其研析流程期能提供學術研究上,降雨量對入滲影響機制探討之一可行途徑及增進模擬及預測地下水水位變化準確度之基礎。 本研究分析雲林縣斗六地區「雲科大校園場址」之降雨量對入滲機制之影響可發現:當土壤非常乾燥時(初始含水量低時),需要42mm以上的累積雨量,始能到達淺層地下水位,且需要141 hr之入滲時間;累積雨量到達75 mm時,入滲到達淺層地下水位之入滲時間為60 hr;如果降雨前土壤本身具有高初始含水量,為潮溼土壤,則需要41 mm以上的累積雨量,始能到達淺層地下水位,其所需入滲時間為84 hr;累積雨量到達195 mm時,入滲到達淺層地下水位之入滲時間為32 hr。


Precipitation is one of the main sources that infiltrating into the groundwater. Whether precipitation can compensate the groundwater, or not is the accurate degree of groundwater estimate. So this research uses the Gray relational analysis for the mechanism of infiltration by precipitation at Do-Lio site, located at National Yunlin University of Science & Technology campus. With monitoring data, precipitation, groundwater level and unsaturated soil water pressure for each hour, we used the Gray relational analysis to obtain the relationship among the monitoring data. Finally, the relationship is applied to set up the mechanism of the infiltration which is supplied by the precipitation. From the mechanism, it can predict the groundwater level change accurately. It's found that infiltration has an influence of precipitation by analyzing the monitoring data from the site located on National Yunlin University of Science & Technology campus. When soil is dry, it needs, more than an accumulation precipitation 42 mm, to take 141 hours to arrive the ground water level in a shallow layer soil. When the accumulation precipitation arrives the 75 mm, it takes 60 hrs to infiltrate into the ground water level in a shallow layer soil. If the initial soil moisture is high, it needs, more than the 41 mm accumulation precipitation, to take 84 hours to arrive the ground water level in a shallow layer soil. As the accumulation precipitation arrives the 195 mms, it takes 32 hrs to into the reaching ground water level in the shallow layer soil.


