  • 期刊


Improvement for Domestic Wastewater Treatment of the Country Houses in Taiwan-A Case Study of Reed Bed Treatment System


目前台灣鄉村住宅生活污水處理的問題,除了整體污水處理系統規劃不良,污水處理設備效能不佳與民眾缺乏維護觀念,亦是導致環境水質污染情況日益嚴重的原因。本研究嘗試以歐洲地區逐漸發展成熟,且應用日趨普遍的人工溼地技術-「蘆葦床處理系統」為對象,探討其對台灣鄉村生活污水處理的改善效益。蘆葦床處理系統為效能穩定、低成本、省能源且環境友善的自然處理技術,且在英國等歐洲國家經過長時期演變改良,於當地環境、氣候、植栽物種乃至於社會層面等條件上,均有相對的發展條件,故本研究除針對蘆葦床處理系統的原理與組成進行研析外,同時也以實際操作案例,來探討此一系統作為台灣鄉村住宅生活污水處理改善方式的適用性。 由水質分析結果可知,蘆葦床實做案例於初期運轉階段,懸浮固體物的平均去除率約為84.65%、氨氮約為65.68%、正磷酸鹽約為54.11%、生化需氧量約為69.82%,處理後之放流水可符合「放流水標準」及「灌溉用水水質標準」。整體建置成本方面,本系統用於一般5-6人之小型獨戶住宅的生活污水處理,建置費用約在新台幣4-6.5萬元之間,而施工操作及維護均容易掌握,且具有水資源再利用、野生動物庇護所,以及景觀休閒與生態教育等附加價值。


In Taiwan, small rural communities have special problems regarding solutions to their wastewater management problems. They are quite often limited in poor design and their ability to maintain necessary service to sustain the facilities operated adequately. The reed bed treatment system has been successthlly used for small communities in Europe for many years, giving stable and excellent pollutant removed. The reed beds offer a potentially low cost, low maintenance and environmental friendly biological method of wastewater treatment. In this study, a reed bed treatment system was employed at a rural house in Taiwan. The evaluations of the use and efficacy of this system to improve water quality are discussed. During the preliminary stage of the study, operational data are reported, the average removed rate were observed for this system: SS, 84.65%; NH3-N, 65.68%; PO(superscript -3 subscript 4), 54.11%; and BOD5, 69.28%. The effluent of this system meets the requirement of both EPA's effluent standard and COA's irrigation water quality standard. The construction cost for a 5-6 persons unit is about 4,000~65,000 NT dollars. Besides the functions for water quality improvement, the benefits of water reuse, habitat for wildlife and educational values are also recognized.


