  • 期刊


A Study of Combining the Neural Networks with Genetic Algorithms to the Optimal Control of Eutrophication in Feitsui Reservoir




Eutrophication has been a serious problem which results in the pollution of water quality in reservoirs recently. A lot of factors including the size, depth and shape of a reservoir as well as the intensity of sun light, could affect nutrients concentration in reservoirs. In this study, we consider that the source pollution is unstable and attempt to use artificial neural networks (ANNs) to construct the water quality forecast models. This model is based on data from nutrient loads (which include the inflows from a main creek and two tributaries), average and maximum rainfall in the watershed, and net inflow (difference between inflow and outflow) to forecast the water quality in Feitsui Reservoir. These models use variant factors to predict the dynamic nutrient concentration. Owing to these factors exist non-linear relationships; ANNs were hybridized with genetic algorithms (GAs) to explore the feasibility of controlling phosphorus loads into the reservoir and maintaining a satisfied situation of water quality.
