  • 期刊


Feasibility Test of Using Hot Spring Production Well for Monitoring Water Level and Extraction Volume


台灣部份溫泉區因溫泉井大量的鑿設,造成溫泉水位下降、水溫降低與露頭消失等。爲有效管理溫泉區之溫泉水資源,建立水位監測井、並有效記錄各生產井之抽水量已是當務之急。溫泉區建立新監測井,常需可觀的建井及土地費用,且溫泉產狀各異、山區地質多變,有時雖水平間隔數十至數百公尺,若已離開主裂隙,不一定能鑿到溫泉。但若能兼用已有的溫泉生產井監測水位,則能節省費用、時間,並確定監測層次是用水層次等。因國內尚沒有利用生產井來監測水位的前例,技術上仍有許多疑慮。本研究於宜蘭礁溪及屏東四重溪溫泉現地試驗其可行生,在溫泉生產井中放置記錄儀器、進行抽水試驗、分析水位記錄,探討其兼作水位及水量監測之可行性。 結果顯示生產井內抽水機電線通電時的磁場,並不會對自記儀器的訊號線產生干擾與導致誤差。生產井雖然有抽水引起洩降干擾,但洩降的變化有其規則性,且不抽水時水位很快回復,應可代表其靜水位。在礁溪及四重在毫不同的水文地質,其反應是一致的。可經由水位記錄之抽水洩降次數,及抽水試驗率定之抽水率,推算出該生產井的日、週、月及年抽水量。本研究認爲,在溫泉生產井內裝設水溫水壓計、不僅能提供溫泉水位及水溫的重要數據,尚能推算其抽水量,若能取代水量計,則能節省費用、並簡化溫泉監測儀器種類。


溫泉 生產井 水位 抽水量 監測


Depletion of hot springs and deceasing of its temperature are due to over-pumping of geothermal aquifers by too many production wells in parts of Taiwan's hot spring areas. It is necessary to install monitoring wells and equipments to acquire records of water level, temperature and extraction volume for providing data to establish and enforce the management procedures. But it is expensive to construct new wells and is difficult to select appropriate sites to monitor the same fractures where hot spring waters usually are withdrawn in a complex geology of mountain area. We suggest that using the production wells in hot spring areas for monitoring purposes are cost-effective, time-saving and could collect data precisely in target aquifer. However, there is no research on this topic. We conduct tests for the feasibility of using hot spring production well for monitoring water level, temperature and extraction volume in Jiaoshi and Shichongshi, Taiwan. Our results show that water pressure records does not have signal of noise by submersible pump. Drawdowns induced by pumping of the monitoring production well are significant in about 6 m and water levels are recovered rapidly in minutes to hours when the pump stop. There have the same regularity both in aquifers of porous media (Jiaoshi) and fracture rock (Shichongshi). Extraction volumes of hot spring water for the monitoring production well could be calculated from numbers of pumping drawdown and the known pumping rate. Our results suggest that using production well for monitoring water level and extraction volume of hot spring water is technically and economically feasible.


